Sydney20824's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Sydney20824's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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My love, I know you said you rushed this but for a "rush" job, it's beautiful! Don't question yourself so much and be proud of everything you create and remember: art is subjective, it's finding your voice through the creativity that is most important. Love always, Mama
- ELIZABETH (Mother) on March 19, 2024
I love EVERYTHING about this and I've shown every friend I know! Best Mother's Day gift EVER!
- ELIZABETH (Mother) on May 14, 2023
Oh, Sydney your sundown is beautiful. ??????????
- Nana Jane on November 16, 2022
This is beautiful punkin! Grandma was so excited to hang it. Maybe you can make me one too?! Love you!!!! Mama
- ELIZABETH (Mother) on April 13, 2021
LOVE it! Since you got to hang the other ones on your wall, can we hang this one on mine?! Xoxoxoxoxo Mama
- ELIZABETH (Mother) on January 19, 2021
My love-love.....what a beautiful winter piece! You are turning into a very creative and talented artist and mama is very proud!
- ELIZABETH (Mother) on December 9, 2020
This might be the BEST and cutest little wolf I've ever seen drawn!
- ELIZABETH (Mother) on November 24, 2020
Beautiful my love! A perfect representation of our beautiful Arizona sunsets!
- ELIZABETH (Mother) on November 17, 2020