Elijah24346's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Elijah24346's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Elijah. The blending of the colors in your art piece is very calming to look at. I like the way it feels. It’s pretty, soft & calming. Thanks for sharing your art??
- Granny pam on February 10, 2021
It’s looking good Elijah ????
- Brian on November 25, 2020
Hi Elijah, I like the way you used the space to draw the picture.
- Grandmom Pam on November 25, 2020
I think owls are so cool too?? Especially at night, when you really can hear them! Nice work??
- Grandma pam on November 25, 2020
You’re really good at this owl drawing! I love hearing them in the night when everyone’s asleep! I like owls too. There’s so many types that exist.
- Granny pam on November 25, 2020
Owls are good luck
- Evette (Mother) on November 6, 2020
Love it
- Evette (Mother) on November 4, 2020
Awesome job
- Evette (Mother) on October 28, 2020
Hi Elijah. A new project! I love how the color order is on this weaving project! Rich color combination. I’m sure it’s going to be fun, watching your project grow into a completed piece of art. Love & hugs- grandma Pam
- PAMELA on October 28, 2020
Hi ?? Elijah, I hope you liked doing your art projects as much as I did, seeing them. I liked being able to see the beginning piece to the finished project . I look forward to seeing more art pieces?????? I hope you’ll be able to share more soon. ?? grandma P.
- Grandma P on September 30, 2020
aww. good job!
- Desy on September 26, 2020
So talented ??
- Casandra on September 26, 2020
I love seeing your creativity???? Shown in your artwork.
- Grandmom Pamela on September 26, 2020
I like me the imagination
- Evette (Mother) on September 21, 2020