Axton232's Comments (35)

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Below are comments about Axton232's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Is that you breaking yourself out of earth to rescue everyone
- Diana (Mother) on June 13, 2024
That's a pretty fancy looking letter A there bud. Keep up your creativity and let your imagination run wild when it comes to your art
- Mark (Father) on April 18, 2024
Nice collage work between the 3 pictures
- Mark on April 3, 2024
Nice collage work between the 3 pictures
- Mark on April 3, 2024
I love you cupcake, it's has a cool blueberry swirl with a bright yellow cupcake wrapper. Keep up the creativity bud
- Mark on April 3, 2024
It looks really nice axton. Keep up the creative artwork you do
- Mark (Father) on November 29, 2023
You did a magnificent job with your art. Did you use paint. The hearts are a beautiful color.
- Diana on November 29, 2023
You're really fun. Who are the people in this picture.
- Diana on April 3, 2024
You did really great with your artwork. Looks like you made a package man game. The outlining is good to looks like a picture frame. The gold background is really beautiful too.
- Diana (Mother) on April 12, 2023
The A looks really great... Is this like your own pac man game. You did an excellent job just as always. Nice background color very shiny. I like the outline makes it look like you framed your art.
- Diana (Mother) on April 11, 2023
You look great and grown-up with your stash. Very colorful also you look very happy. Keep up with the good work and having fun doing it.
- Diana (Mother) on March 27, 2023
I like your picture bud, you did a really good job with the details and coloring it. Keep up the good creativity you have.
- Mark (Father) on March 21, 2023
Hi sweet boy um I'm not to sure what your art is but it looks scary... I like it keep doing a great job.
- Diana (Mother) on February 15, 2023
Hey you... Not sure what your art is but it's interesting could be a turkey like... Please put some imagination to your art. Your very creative and exceptional....
- Diana (Mother) on December 28, 2022
I like you vase bud. It was a lot of cool designs incorporated into it. Keep up the creativity
- Mark (Father) on December 10, 2022
I like you square of squares bud. It's very colorful and symmetric. I looks really good. Keep up the good work and creative ideas you have.
- Mark on December 14, 2022
If you were suppose to draw any patterns then it looks great... If you were suppose to repeat patterns then you need to work on it... Your vase looks awesome blue is mom's favorite colored.
- Diana (Mother) on December 6, 2022
That art project you did looks great but I think it looks like a colorful imaginative dinosaur with so many colors. But it's your mind not mine. Love what you do in art class as well as at home or friends houses. Your imagination is expanding greatly...
- Diana (Mother) on November 11, 2022
That art project you did looks great but I think it looks like a colorful imaginative dinosaur with so many colors. But it's your mind not mine. Love what you do in art class as well as at home or friends houses. Your imagination is expanding greatly...
- Diana (Mother) on November 10, 2022
That's a pretty creative cow Axton. I like the variety of colors you included into it. Keep up the good work buddy
- Mark (Father) on November 7, 2022
Cute colorful cow. Take your time with art work do your best buddy.
- Diana (Mother) on November 2, 2022
You have a wonderful collection of art you have been doing. Your drawing here could have been a lot better you just need to put some effort buddy. Can't wait to see what you draw next.
- Diana (Mother) on October 20, 2022
You did good on your time machine. BIG M for Machine.... Can't wait until you can bring it home. Keep up the good imagination and great ideas.
- Diana (Mother) on September 26, 2022
You can do alot better then just dobbing on paper your tiger art was amazing. Put your heart into it you know you can. But of course I still love all of your artwork just as equal.
- Diana (Mother) on May 10, 2022
You can do alot better then just dobbing on paper your tiger art was amazing. Put your heart into it you know you can. But of course I still love all of your artwork just as equal.
- Diana (Mother) on May 10, 2022
Your tiger is well colored and very symmetrical. It is very even on both sides. Keep up your talented artistic skills buddy
- Mark on May 5, 2022
Your tiger is well colored and very symmetrical. It is very even on both sides. Keep up your talented artistic skills buddy
- Mark on May 5, 2022
I'm not completely sure what you made buddy but it looks great. It could be a pen/pencil holder or just a decorative piece of your wonder art.
- Diana (Mother) on March 29, 2022
That is a beautiful piece of art you made. Can't wait until you bring it home. Keep doing awesome art work buddy. Very proud of you. ??
- Diana (Mother) on January 19, 2022
You did a great job. Good drawing skills your getting alot better with art hi ? buddy
- Diana (Mother) on December 11, 2021
You did a great job drawing. Your improving slot and with color. Good job buddy....
- Diana (Mother) on April 13, 2021
Looks like a yummy ice cream cone....
- Diana (Mother) on February 4, 2021
Axton you did an awesome job on making your owl. Dad and I love it....
- Diana (Mother) on January 16, 2021
I love your art work buddy.... Keep up the awesome art work and expand your imagination.... Love mom and dad...
- Diana (Mother) on October 21, 2020
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