I knew this was you instantly! Those Passion stripes, the grin and the sunglasses are all you. Love you so much!
- Grace on March 20, 2025 NEW
Hey #7 ! AWESOME self portrait! It represents you perfectly!!! Love the sideways hat and jersey! Hair - great job. And that smile. I love everything about you Atticus and this new artwork! Love, GG
- GG on March 19, 2025 NEW
I can't wait to hear about this one! I love that you chose blue and how you made the pot look archaic.
- Grace on February 12, 2025
Atticus, somehow I missed seeing this one. So cool! The colors are awesome! Is that some glitter on it too? If I stare at it I feel like I’m going down to the center. Love, GG
- GG on February 12, 2025
I’ve been waiting to see your latest piece of art! What a cool project!!! I love your Ming Dynasty vase! I love the designs you created! I can’t wait to talk to you about this project! Love, GG
- GG on February 12, 2025
Well, I just love this one! You make the most fun art projects! Well done!
- Cathy on February 12, 2025
I’ve been playing with water colors recently and I love seeing that you have been, too! I also have an umbrella just like this one. So it’s a perfect picture as far as I’m concerned. Nobody could have done it better!
- Cathy on November 27, 2024
Atticus!!!!! This is my absolute new FAVORITE! And I agree, the colors are so cool and you did an amazing job with the rain and puddle! Love that you don’t see the whole person. Amazing job!!! Love, GG
- GG on November 27, 2024
Oh, Atticus. This is beautiful. I love all of the colors and how you did the rain splashes. I need to know more about this!
- Grace on November 20, 2024
I just love your work this year! So imaginative and colorful. Very nice! <3
- Cathy on November 13, 2024
So cool! It reminds me of the pumpkin you bought this year. The blue background and sharp lines make your pumpkin really stand out.
- Aunt Grace on November 13, 2024
Atticus, what a cool pumpkin! It looks big and heavy! I love the different size dots and the background is the perfect design and color to make your pumpkin stand out! Awesome work! Love GG
- GG on November 13, 2024
Hi Atticus! I must be hungry because at first glance it looks like a pizza to me. But staring at it more, I see a bowl of cereal! Great job!!! Love, GG
- GG on October 28, 2024
Atticus this is sooooo cool! The colors are perfect! I love the artist in you! You are always so creative and surprise us with your talent!!! This is one of my favorites!!!! Love, GG
- GG on October 28, 2024
Wow! Wow! Wow! I love this one. The multi-media being used is so fun! The colors are gorgeous and it looks like a dream. So cool!
- Cathy on October 23, 2024
Down the rabbit hole! This is mesmerizing.
- Grace on October 23, 2024
I think I see a face with the green colored beans! Almost like The Grinch.
- Grace on October 23, 2024
Atticus, I love your cat/bird drawing! The colors you chose are cool and I love the outline too! That is a brave bird to sit on top of your cat! Great drawing as always! Love, GG
- GG on October 23, 2024
Wow! I love this kitty! And the bird is adorable. Well done!
- Cathy on October 23, 2024
It's Roz from "The Wild Robot!" I am so glad we got to see this movie together. I like the background, and you did a great job with Roz's body!
- Grace on October 16, 2024
I love this, too! How unusual to create with beans! Or are they nuts?? Who knows? ??
- Cathy on October 16, 2024
Wow! I love this one. That is a crazy good background! And a crazy scary foreground guy! Your artwork continues to impress! Well done, Atticus. ??
- Cathy on October 16, 2024
I love how you picked up on the textures of her dress in the original portrait! The background stripes give it a 2024 vibe, and really make her pop!
- Grace on September 25, 2024
I recognize her! You’re a regular Leonardo da Vinci! I love the way you drew her dress, with the circles. Well done! ??
- Cathy on September 18, 2024
Atticus!!!! I am so excited that Artsonia is back and we get to see all your great creations again. I never thought about lines in a portrait before. You have done a great job on this piece of art. I am so proud of you. Love, GG
- GG on September 18, 2024
That’s pretty cool! The soccer colors make it so personal and relevant to your life right now! It’s really great. Love you!
- Cathy on June 5, 2024
Passion FC! What an amazing goalie, soccer player and teammate you have grown into! I love that you incorporated your team into your artwork.
- Grace on May 22, 2024
Atticus this is so cool! I love the colors you used and the scattered dots make me smile! Great job! Love, GG
- GG on April 17, 2024
I love that you’re in your abstract period! Sometimes it’s fun to just use random colors and lines and not have to follow rules. Very nice!
- Cathy on April 17, 2024
I didn’t see this one, either! I’m glad they sent an update to me so I could catch up. I love this one. I especially like the heart with a face! Hahahaha!
- Cathy on March 20, 2024
Well, this is interesting! Pizza and sports! Nothing bad about that, right? Love it.
- Cathy on March 12, 2024
This looks like your school's mascot!
- Grace on March 12, 2024
I don't think I saw this one! I love how colorful the hearts are!
- Grace on March 12, 2024
Is this your or Pizza Joe? Either way, it is one of our favorites meals! If this is you, you look way too grown up. Love you!
- Grace on March 12, 2024
Brrrrrr! Your fox looks perfectly fuzzy for all of the snow behind him. Can you imagine huge snowflakes like that?!?! I really like how you colored the fox in.
- Grace on March 12, 2024
Ohhh! I like how abstract this is! The colors you chose are perfect to show off the sharpness of the edges. Nice work!
- Grace on March 12, 2024
Atticus, I LOVE this fox in the woods on a snowy day! He looks like he likes snow as much as you do! I love all the detail and outlining on the fox! Beautiful piece of art! Your just keep getting better and better!!! Love, GG
- GG on February 28, 2024
Wow! I love this one so much! Is this done with construction paper? It’s so unusual. Great work!
- Cathy on February 28, 2024
Ooooh, i love this fox! He’s perfect. And the night sky with snow makes it beautiful. Great work, as always, Atticus!
- Cathy on February 28, 2024
I really like all of the unique ornaments you cut out. That must have been a lot of work! Is that a Manger for Jesus below the ladder? Babies love lights, and I bet Jesus loves the light He sees in you.
- Grace on January 3, 2024
Atticus, what a creative Christmas tree! It looks like it was a lot of work cutting all that paper! Great job!! You’ve really been creating a lot of of things out of paper at home too!!! Love, GG
- GG on December 20, 2023
I love this! You are amazing, Atticus! I am so happy to see your artwork! Merry Christmas! Love you!
- Cathy on December 20, 2023
Atticus, your paper sculpture is cool! I think we should make up a game together and use it as our number die. Hopefully, Smudge doesn’t get it! Hahaha! Love, GG
- GG on December 6, 2023
Atticus! This is absolutely one of my favorites!! I am very impressed with your shading techniques and the colors! Great job!!!! I, too, like the view from the top looking down! Love, GG
- GG on December 6, 2023
This looks like a good game piece we can use on vacation!
- Grace on December 6, 2023
This is so pretty, Atticus! My favorite colors. I like how you blend the edges of the colors together.
- Grace on November 29, 2023
This looks like a Lego key chain! I remember the first clay piece you made. I hope that you are enjoying at class!
- Grace on November 29, 2023
I’m not sure what it is, but I like it! ;-). Nice work, as always!
- Cathy on November 29, 2023
Hi Atticus! Every time I get an email notification that there is new artwork from you, I know it’s going to be a good day! Today’s picture is awesome! It’s such an interesting point of view and different from most pumpkin pictures (at least I THINK it’s a pumpkin)! It’s such a fascinating way to see it. Amazing work to celebrate autumn. Happy Thanksgiving!
- Cathy on November 29, 2023
Atticus, you’ve done a great job with your shading and showing how different shapes are affected! Nice job! Keep up the good work! Love, GG
- GG on November 8, 2023
Hi Atticus! I love this drawing! Sometimes it’s nice to just use a pencil to learn how to shade and figure out shadows, and take a break from colors. Your shapes are so well done! Yay!
- Aunt Cathy on November 8, 2023
Another great drawing! I didn’t know there were castles in the United States. :) Keep up the great work! We love seeing your drawings! and we love you!
- Cathy on October 18, 2023
Atticus!!! I love the castle!!! You did an amazing job! From the door to the flags - so cool! I want to go inside! Love, GG
- Gg on October 18, 2023
I love this! You did a great job with the flags and vines. Meenaw and Pop took your Daddy and I to see some called when we were little. I wonder who lives behind the gates of your castle?!?! Or, maybe it is haunted since the one window has a board over it?
- Geese on October 18, 2023
Your first piece of art on the 4th grade! Your seahorse looks very content in its beautiful water! We will have to check out the aquarium soon and see if we can spot any live ones.
- Grace on September 20, 2023
Hi Atticus! It looks like you are off to a great start this school year! We love getting to see your artwork. I especially like the gorgeous blue water. Looking forward to seeing many more interesting art pieces this year. ??
- Cathy on September 20, 2023
Atticus, I absolutely love this picture! It looks like these two characters are having quite the conversation! It’s so bright and cheerful and it reminds me of watching the seahorses at the Aquairium!!! You did an outstanding job on this picture!!! Love, GG
- GG on September 20, 2023
Another FINE work Atticus! Your work continues to show a wide range of artistic talent! I LOVE the eye-popping effect you get here with the contrasting stripes! Nicely done!!
- Uncle Bob on May 10, 2023
Hey Atticus! Another great piece of artwork. Thanks for sharing! Either you are extremely creative, or your teacher is very good at inspiring you. No matter which it is, I love this one! And you! xoxoxo
- Cathy on May 4, 2023
Atticus!!! That is so cool!!! I love it! You did a fantastic job with your lines through fingers, hands, wrist and arm! Did everyone do their hand or could you draw anything? Great job!!!! Love, GG
- GG on May 4, 2023
This is so cool! And, you used my favorite colors! I have always wanted to do one of these,. Maybe you can show me how you did it!
- Grace on May 4, 2023
I love this scene! I think we can find a place like this to go camping this year!
- Grace on May 4, 2023
This is a perfect picture of you Mr Atticus.....keep up the good work!!!!
- Poppy(fan) on May 3, 2023
Atticus Your picture is so wonderful. It reminds me Jesus created you and this magnificent! Love you
- Poppy(fan) on May 3, 2023
Wow! I just saw this beautiful piece of pottery! Well done. I love the color. And you. ??
- Cathy on April 26, 2023
Is it sunrise? If so, you’re up early! Love seeing your artwork! Thanks for sharing! ??
- Cathy on April 26, 2023
Atticus, what a beautiful landscape! It reminds me of going to the nature center and how calm and peaceful it is. Your landscape looks like a place I’d like to go and sit and read a book! Very nice! Love, GG
- GG on April 20, 2023
Atticus your pinch pot is so cool! I love the color! It looks like a cute little pet to me! Great job! Love, GG
- GG on April 19, 2023
What a great lion! And, you are a great lion and representative of your school! I am curious to find out what you used to make this piece. Keep up the great work!
- Grace on March 22, 2023
Oooh, a purple mane! Nice work on this picture. I love the mane sticking out over the edges, too. The blue trim really sets it off really well. I can’t wait to talk to you about all your art when we see you next time! Love you!
- Cathy on March 22, 2023
Hi Atticus! That lion is so cool! I need you to tell me all about how you made it and what you used to make it. I love when I stop over and I see you drawing and creating your pictures! I also love how you hang your artwork up in your room! Keep up the amazing work! Love, your GG
- GG on March 20, 2023
HI Atticus!! I really Love abstract art, and this piece is really good!! It is a Great addition to your portfolio! I am always looking forward to seeing your new work!!
- Uncle Bob on March 15, 2023
Oooh, I love this, Atticus! Very cool. Red and black are very striking colors when used together. Well done!
- Cathy on March 15, 2023
This is a really cool, abstract piece, Atticus!
- Aunt Grace on March 8, 2023
Atticus! Number 1 Chase fan! This portrait is spot on YOU. From your name, to your hair, to your eyes. You are excelling in art class again this year.
- Grace on February 22, 2023
Atticus is this possibly about Titanic. What ever it represents it is another fine work. There are so many shipwrecks that engage the mind. One that continues to keep me spellbound is Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. We will have to discuss that one sometime. Pop
- Jc on February 22, 2023
Mr Atticus, Your art work just keep Pop s improving and improving. So wonderful to see a self portrait and It is a very real piece of art of yourself. Keep working hard on your art!! Pop
- Jc on February 22, 2023
Hi Atticus! Nice portrait. Your drawings are always so neatly done. I like the way you added your name, too! Very creative. Are you wearing your Bengals shirt??? Well done! Looking forward to seeing more! Love you!
- Aunt Cathy(fan) on February 15, 2023
Hi Atticus! Nice portrait. Your drawings are always so neatly done. I like the way you added your name, too! Very creative. Are you wearing your Bengals shirt??? Well done! Looking forward to seeing more! Love you!
- Aunt Cathy(fan) on February 15, 2023
Atticus!! Wow!!! I am so impressed with your self portrait! The amount of detail in this artwork is amazing! I am so proud of you! And, I LOVE how you wrote your name! I am so impressed with your creative art talent!! Love, GG
- GG on February 11, 2023
Hi Atticus! Happy New Year! It’s nice to start the year with a brand new picture from you! I love it so much. I think the flags are a nice addition. And the multicolored bulbs are awesome. Hope to see you soon! Love you.
- Catht on January 6, 2023
This has to be Santa's house! All of the lights, the flags and even a gingerbread man! You are very creative!
- Grace on December 28, 2022
Merry Christmas, Atticus! We love seeing your artwork, and we are really impressed with your creativity! Each picture gets better and better. We love you very much. xoxoxoxoxoxo ??????????
- Cathy on December 14, 2022
Atticus, you did an amazing job on your nativity silhouette! It is beautiful! I always look forward to seeing your artwork! Love, GG
- GG on December 7, 2022
So beautiful, Atticus. Your night sky and star give the perfect backdrop to the birth of our Savior. There is so much hope in this picture.
- Grace on December 7, 2022
Wow! I really like how abstract this piece is, Atticus. It makes me feel warm when I see it because of the bright sun and sky.
- Grace on November 16, 2022
Wow! That’s a really cool picture…I like the way you cut paper to make it! And the orange sky is really fun. Your art is very impressive! Love you lots and look forward to seeing more pictures! ?? Aunt Cathy
- Cathy on November 9, 2022
Hey Atticus! Your “Snippets” artwork looks like it was a fun project! If I were to name it, I would call it “The Coolest House in the Woods”! If I peeked in the window I think I would see you drawing, reading or doing Legos! I love your picture and of course I love you!!!!! Love, GG
- GG on November 1, 2022
WOW Atticus, The cow or should I say Bull is so realistic. His markings are very well placed. I can can imagine brushing his beautiful hide. Feeling the sun on my skin. The mountains are gigantic. What a great picture!!!
- Poppy on October 19, 2022
Hi Atticus! I love your picture! The cow is perfect, and I love the mountains! Very nice work, sweetie!
- Aunt Cathy on October 17, 2022
Hi Atticus! I love your picture! The cow is perfect, and I love the mountains! Very nice work, sweetie!
- Aunt Cathy on October 17, 2022
Yay! I’ve been anxiously waiting for your first artwork of the new school year to show up! What a cool picture! The mountains are so impressive! I love the way the cow turned his head to look at us! I cannot draw a cow as well as you have! I love the colors in your picture! It’s so awesome!
- GG on September 25, 2022
Wow, Atticus! Your drawings and art projects get better and better every year. Your attention to detail by adding the snow capped mountains and spots on the cow are great.
- Grace on September 25, 2022
What a cool pinch pot! I love the colors you chose! You’ve had another great year creating awesome artwork! I’m so proud of you! Love GG
- GG on May 25, 2022
This is a great project, Atticus! I like that you thought to put a lid on it, with something to get to take it off. Your colors are very beautiful. This week be a great little place to keep your tiny treasures.
- Grace on May 25, 2022
I love your sloth, Atticus! His colors are very bright and cheerful. The way you made its eyes stand out is very realistic. He must really like hanging out watching other animals.
- Grace on March 23, 2022
Atticus, I absolutely love your sloth picture! I really like the way you made his eyes and face!!!! He’s happy just “hanging out”!!!!! Great job! Love, GG
- GG on March 19, 2022
This guy looks really warm and ready for skiing or sledding in the snow. You always do a great job selecting colors and drawing faces. This man looks very happy!
- Grace on March 2, 2022
What a happy looking snowman - just like you! I’m not sure why my first comment didn’t show up. I hope you get another snow day so you can make one just like him!!!!! I’m also hoping he doesn’t drink too much of that coffee or you know what that will do. Aaaaaaaaaaah! Love, GG
- GG on January 25, 2022
Hi Atticus! Now that’s what I call a snowman!!!!! He’s so happy too - just like you!!! I think he wants you to have another snow day so you can build one just like him in your yard! When I see you I want to know how you created him! Love, GG
- GG on January 25, 2022
Atticus, I really love all your artwork. My favorite is the star shining down on Jesus. Your depiction of our Saviors birth is very heart warming and soul stirring. Thank for you hard work and sharing your talent. Poppy
- Poppy on January 22, 2022
Brrrrr! Your snowman looks cold, just like he should! I hope we get some snow this year so that you can bring your snowman to life in your yard.
- Grace on January 22, 2022
Atticus, when I get a notification on my phone that you have new artwork, it’s like opening a present! I get so excited to see what you made! You really put a lot of thought into your artwork! You did a great job on the ship! Well, you did a great job on the whole picture! I wonder what your next project will be! Love, GG
- GG on January 12, 2022
You always put so much detail into your artwork. I really like how you drew in the moon. I bet your water is icy!
- Grace on January 5, 2022
You did such a great job on your Christmas tree drawing! I even see Santa up in the corner! Christmas is almost here! Love, GG
- GG on December 13, 2021
Oh Atticus I love Fiona! You did such a great job on this project! You really got the details right! Isn’t it funny how tiny her ears are compared to her face/head?! And, I love her eyes! Great job! Love, GG
- GG on December 13, 2021
I love this picture Atticus! The light shining down on His smiling face is beautiful I love Jesus and I’m glad you do too! Love, GG
- GG on December 8, 2021
This is the coolest pumpkin I have ever seen! All of your colors go together so well!
- Grace on December 8, 2021
I love this! You did such a great job putting Jesus at the center of your artwork and letting the light shine on Him. I am so happy you are learning about Jesus at school. You are such a great artist!
- Grace on December 8, 2021
Hi Atticus! Your patterned pumpkin is so cool! I can’t decide which pattern is my favorite. If I had to choose I think since green is my favorite color I would pick that section first. I like the zig-zaggy lines! Maybe the purple section second. I like them all though. Do you have a favorite? Love, GG
- GG on November 3, 2021
Atticus, your lighthouse is awesome! The light on top is very bright just like on a real lighthouse! I kinda jumped when I saw the spider and the bat! You like to scare me with spiders, don’t you? Haha! I’m a little unsure if I want to visit your lighthouse with zombies stumbling around. Aaaaaaaah! You really know how to fill up the whole page! Great job! Love, GG
- GG on October 27, 2021
Your summer pinch pot is so pretty! I can tell you really took your time making it just right.
- Aunt Grace on October 27, 2021
This bird is so bright and colorful! I'm sure it is glad you thought about feeding it!
- Aunt Grace on October 27, 2021
You did such a great job with the watercolors! Your bear has a beautiful place to live!
- Aunt Grace on October 27, 2021
I love how you choose different colors for each part of your pipe cleaner person. Your creativity continues growing!
- Aunt Grace on October 27, 2021
And the thing we know about death is that once we accept Jesus as our savior, we are assured to never die for He took our place. Your death looks very scary!
- Aunt Grace on October 27, 2021
One day we will have to go see a lighthouse so you can see what a great job you did replicating it in your picture! I love the details you added.
- Aunt Grace on October 27, 2021
Haha! Death Bot! How did you come up with that!?!? Is he a good guy or bad guy? Aaaaaah! Great artwork as always always! Love, GG
- GG on October 27, 2021
I really like this singer.....reminds me of you when you used to sing 21 Pilots songs.... Wonderful job Atticus love Pop
- Poppy on October 6, 2021
Wow Atticus! What a cool action figure! He looks strong and mighty and able to keep evil forces away for sure! Nice work!!! Love GG
- GG on September 29, 2021
I’m so excited Atticus to see your first artwork of this school year! Your polar bear is so adorable! I love the expression on his face! The background landscape is so cool. All the different colors really look nice! I love your artwork! It always makes me smile. ?? Love, GG
- GG on September 22, 2021
Wow! Your best looks like he is ready for a big hike! Where is he going??
- Grace on September 22, 2021
Atticus, you did such a great job with this art project! You always pick the best colors and your creativity keeps growing. Love you so much!
- Grace on June 9, 2021
Atticus, you keep bringing your amazing art talent to us. I love the googly eye picture! He or she looks like a very happy warrior to me. Am I right? And I like how the purple background sets it off. I’m sure you had a great experience in art class this year! Great work! Love, GG
- GG on May 23, 2021
I love how colorful this tree is! It looks like you put a lot of thought into its limbs and trunk.
- Grace on May 23, 2021
Atticus I love your wire tree art project! I love all different colors you used! I’m sure it was fun picking out the different wires, twisting and forming watching your tree develop! Maybe this summer we can get some wire and make something together!!! I think that would be so fun! Love, GG
- GG on May 19, 2021
So cool! It flies and it's blue! This looks like it took a lot of creativity and time to make. I am very proud of you for taking your time creating your art projects.
- Grackey on May 4, 2021
I LOVE this peacock!!! He is beautiful! I love the blue and green you picked! He looks very happy and proud! Love GG
- GG on May 4, 2021
ATTICUS, I love your pinch pot! It is so cool! I love the colors you picked! I have a few questions. I want to know how you made it. Is it made out of clay? Did you enjoy making it? Was it hard to make it so even? It’s beautiful! I love it! Love, GG
- GG on April 28, 2021
This is so neat! The outside is so smooth it almost looks like a yummy apple. I can't wait to hear what you are going to use it for.
- Grackey on April 28, 2021
A Frog Prince! He is quite fancy. He looks pretty happy on his lilypad. I bet you find lots of frogs like him this summer. I really like all of the colors you made his jewel spots.
- Gracky on April 7, 2021
Atticus I LOVE your frog prince!!!! He is huge! He is so colorful with all his shining jewels! He is a very happy dude! I see a bird in the sky too! You have so many awesome pieces of artwork. It’s hard to pick a favorite because I love them all! This guy makes me extra happy today!!! Love, GG
- GG on April 1, 2021
I absolutely love these hearts! You used so many colors and creative designs! The smiley face heart is contagious! It makes me happy and it makes all the hearts seem happy! And the designs on the black background are really cool too! You must have been very happy while you were making this awesome piece of artwork!!! Love, GG
- GG on March 17, 2021
This is so pretty and colorful! I like how you added different designs to each heart and in the black background. The background really makes the hearts stand out. I love your creativity! ??
- Gracky on March 17, 2021
This is so pretty and colorful! I like how you added different designs to each heart and in the black background. The background really makes the hearts stand out. I love your creativity! ??
- Gracky on March 17, 2021
Hi Atticus! I love your dump truck! It definitely has a full load! I love how colorful the truck is. With Spring coming soon I think we will be seeing a lot of dump trucks carrying dirt and mulch. I always look forward to seeing your artwork!!! Great job! Love, GG
- GG on March 10, 2021
So cool! It kind of looks like the dump truck I have you when you were little. I am glad it has all of the extra tires because it hauls a lot of heavy stuff. I wonder how fast it goes.
- Gracky on March 17, 2021
Oh my gosh Atticus! I know exactly who this happy, talented fun boy is! It’s YOU!!! I knew right away! I love how you did your self portrait! You are one cool dude! Keep on smiling! You’re awesome! Love, GG
- GG on February 23, 2021
This looks just like you, Atticus! I like your haircut and muscle shirt, and I love that big smile.
- Grace on February 3, 2021
You’re owl is so awesome! It looks like he/she has a question to ask. I love the feathers, wings, feet, eyes, beak, ears, and tummy! So I guess that means I love everything about your owl! You’re an amazing artist!
- GG on January 27, 2021
Hoot! Hoot! Your owl looks so warm in its feathers. And, I am sure its eyes help it find all kinds of food. I am so happy that you get to have art class!
- Grace on January 20, 2021
Oh Atticus! Another great piece of art! I love your picture of the 3 Kings! I also love all the stars in the background! That must have taken some time! I love all the colors you used and you did a great job on their faces! Thanks for sharing! GG
- GG on December 23, 2020
These 3 kings are so fancy and regal. You did a great job with choosing your colors. And, their facial expressions are beautiful. I really like all of the stars in the background! They give your picture great depth.
- Grace on December 12, 2020
Atticus, I LOVE this picture! The animals are so cute and they look like really good buddies!!! You really put a lot of detail in their faces and little paws. I’m so happy you are enjoying art class so much! Thanks for sharing!!! Love, GG
- GG on November 25, 2020
This is wonderful! I love the color of paper you chose and the texture you did for the background. Those little animals sure look hungry! You are very creative!
- Grace on November 18, 2020
Atticus you created another fun, colorful piece of art! Your pictures make me happy!!! Love, Your GG ????
- Gg(fan) on October 26, 2020
This is freaky cool Mr Atticus.... Love how you do art!
- Poppy on October 26, 2020
I am very impressed with your lion banner! I love the gems in his crown! I also like the lion’s face. So many details! I can tell you cut out your ??banner with great care! I love this project! You did an awesome job! Keep up the good work!!! ??GG
- Gg(fan) on October 12, 2020
I am very impressed with your lion banner! I love the gems in his crown! I also like the lion’s face. So many details! I can tell you cut out your ??banner with great care! I love this project! You did an awesome job! Keep up the good work!!! ??GG
- Gg(fan) on October 12, 2020
That is a beautiful song. And we do serve a good, good father. Your lion is very regal. I really like the gems on his crown and you drew his face very well! I am so happy that you are enjoying and learning so much in art class.
- Aunt Grace(fan) on October 12, 2020
Now that’s a great rooster! You are really quite the artist! I am so proud of you! I’m sure it’s fun to hear stories and then get to create your own picture! - GG
- Gg(fan) on October 2, 2020
Atticus, your “cool Cat” is awesome! I love the detail you painted on him - the toes, whiskers, eyes and ears! I also really like all the colors you picked using warm and cool colors! You are an amazing artist! -GG
- Gg(fan) on October 2, 2020
Atticus says the cat's name is Tom.
- Stephanie (Mother) on October 2, 2020
Oh wow! I am excited to hear about this book! The cat you drew looks like Jack! I love the warm colors you used for the background. And, the cool colors you chose are very pretty together. What is the cat's name?
- Aunt Grace(fan) on October 2, 2020
What a rooster! I am so glad you drew some food for him to eat. I wonder if rosters like to play flag football. I am excited to hear more about the book you read. Maybe you can check it out at the library and read it to your brother.