christopher2105's Comments (27)

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Below are comments about christopher2105's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow, Christopher, I love all the bright colors you used in this artwork. I'll bet Mommy even likes the purple color best. Great job!
- on February 1, 2009
Christopher love your fish he looks good to eat Love MomMom
- on November 19, 2008
Hi, Christopher. I love the picture you did. You've really improved in drawing people. Are you going to be an artist when you grow up? Love, Grandma & Pop-Pop
- on November 14, 2008
Christopher...what a super rainbow fish. It looks just like a rainbow.
- on October 2, 2008
Christopher you are doing so well! I'm very proud of you! Love Mommy
- on October 2, 2008
Christopher your art work is good I just love it Love MOMMOM
- on September 23, 2008
Love the colors you used Christopher Love Mommy
- on September 23, 2008
Love it Christropher!!! LOVE MOMMY
- on September 19, 2008
Christopher, I love the way you created different things from the drawings of your hands. You used a lot of different colors too. Good job! Love, Grandma
- on September 19, 2008
Christopher...nice job! This looks just like you!
- on September 10, 2008
THis looks just like you christopher!!! I love it, love Mommy
- on September 10, 2008
Sunflowers are my favorite!! Love Mommy
- on May 15, 2008
This picture makes me smile, great job love Mommy
- on May 15, 2008
This sun make me feel all warm inside :o) Love Mommy
- on May 15, 2008
This was the best Mother's day picture ever!! Love Mommy
- on May 15, 2008
Christopher, your flowers are beautiful and look very real. we're so proud of how well you're doing your art work. Love, Grandma & Pop-Pop
- on May 15, 2008
Christopher, what a great sun! It's raining right now, but I can feel the warmth of the sun when I look at your picture. Good job! Love, Grandma & Pop-Pop
- on April 5, 2008
Good job on your new picture, Christopher! I like the way you drew the eyebrows and eye lashes. Love, Grandma
- on December 14, 2007
Christopher, that's a beautiful sunflower. Good job!!! Love, Grandma
- on November 15, 2007
I love rainbows. This is the best one I've ever seen! Pop Pop
- on October 2, 2007
This is a great looking picture.
- on October 2, 2007
Christopher: This looks just like you! What a good picture! Love, Grandma & Pop-Pop
- on October 2, 2007
Christopher, I love your rainbow. You're such an artist! Look at the beautiful colors. Love, Grandma & Pop-Pop
- on October 2, 2007
Christopher your picture is very nice. It looks just like you. Love MomMom
- on October 2, 2007
Christopher your rainbow and bunny is beauitful. Love MomMom
- on October 2, 2007
This is a wonderful picture of yourself !
- on September 28, 2007
This is a beauitful rainbow Christopher!
- on September 28, 2007