Tyson2881's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Tyson2881's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You have such a great imagination Tyson, I see it come to life in all your artwork. Great job buddy.
- Timmy on December 28, 2020
When you look up at the sky remember GOD created the heaven and the earth and and all the beauty you see and remember GOD created us we did not come from monkeys
- Grandma Westerman on October 9, 2020
ALWAYS STAND TALL FOR THE AMERICAN FLAGand always be proud of it we live in the best country in the world THE LAND OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE
- Grandma Westerman on October 9, 2020
when i was growing up this was the sign for peace on earth love it
- Grandma Westerman on October 9, 2020
beautiful i am so proud of you all my love
- Grandma Westerman on October 9, 2020