Josie—- Your Dad made a pottery bowl from clay when he was your age. It is brown, without a painted glaze. If you would like it, I will bring it to your house. Your bowl looks like the beautiful blue ocean waters of the Caribbean. Grandpa B
- Grandpa Brown on December 20, 2023
Josie--- This is a beautiful painting. When I look at your painting, I see two daisies dancing in a summer field. Congratulations. Grandpa B.
- Grandpa Brown on December 13, 2023
Josie--You do the most creative artwork. I love it and you Grams.
- Grandma And Grandpa Doering on November 8, 2023
Josie—- This is a remarkable painting. When I look at your painting, I feel that I am in the ocean and looking up into the bright sunlight. Perhaps, I am in a kelp forest. What’s great about art is that each person will have their own interpretation of a painting. Everyone, however, will agree that this is very good work on your part. Congratulations. Grandpa B.
- Grandpa Brown on November 1, 2023
The first thing I thought of was the song -Yellow Submarine- I love it. Lots of portholes and good watching windows.
- Grandma And Grandpa D on September 8, 2023
Very nice. I love it.
- Grandma And Grandpa Doering on February 8, 2023
Hi Josie— Your sandwich looks Great, and I am ready to for lunch. It is perfect, just the way I would make mine. Next up? How about some cookies? You are an intuitive artist. Congratulations. Grandpa B.
- Grandpa B. on November 2, 2022
Makes me hungry. Great job.
- Aunt Ang & Uncle Jay on November 2, 2022
Before I looked at the title, I thought it looked just like Grumpy Cat. Imagine my surprise to see that is the name of your artwork. You really captured the "look". Love it and you. Grams
- Grandma and Grandpa D on September 28, 2022
Josie--- This is a beautiful painting of a summer flower. The blue petals contrast well with the background colors of a morning sunrise. I hope you continue with your artwork when you are in Second Grade.
- Grandpa Brown on September 28, 2022
We really enjoy seeing all your new projects. Keep up the good work.
- Grandma and Grandpa on May 18, 2022
Really nice. Won't be long and I will be able to put in my order for a basket.
- Grandma And Grandpa Doering on May 18, 2022
You have selected vivid colors in this painting. The bold colors are matched and well-coordinated within the design. It is a superb, abstract painting. It is a favorite that I have shown to friends and co-workers. Congratulations.
- Grandpa Brown on May 18, 2022
Oh my goodness, Josie, this is a beautiful painting. The trees in the field remind of taking a walk in nature. And the sky looks like a summer sunset. Would there be storm clouds in your sky? This is excellent work.
- Grandpa Brown(fan) on May 18, 2022
Oh my goodness, Josie, this is a beautiful painting. The trees in the field remind of taking a walk in nature. And the sky looks like a summer sunset. Would there be storm clouds in your sky? This is excellent work. Grandpa Brown
- Grandpa Brown(fan) on May 18, 2022
You always brighten my day with your creative artwork. We love it.
- Grandma And Grandpa Doering on May 18, 2022
When you were telling me about making this piece of pottery, I could not imagine how pretty it would be. And one of my favorite colors too. Love you, Grams
- Grandma And Grandpa D on January 5, 2022
Josie I really like the bright colors you used in this painting. I would have to say I think I like this the most so far. You must have known cold weather was on the way. I see the snow starting to add up. Grandpa and I look forward to seeing your next project. Love ya Grams.