Maxfield55's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Maxfield55's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is an awesome print Max! I love how abstract it is. The blue makes me think of water (and fishing!) the red looks like it could be a space ship or a boat! Great work!
- Jeffrey (Father) on April 21, 2021
Max, there is so much movement in this one! It looks frenzied and chaotic like a storm!
- Jeffrey (Father) on April 7, 2021
Max this is great. It reminds me of the the house the Bernstein Bears live in!
- Jeffrey (Father) on February 2, 2021
Max, I love your artwork. This looks like mixed media...watercolors, and markers and pencil? That is a creative combination. The colors are calming. Your art makes me stop and think,which is what art should do. I love the size of the two vehicles. Hope we can talk about this picture more sometime soon! Love, Gram
- Debbie on October 19, 2020