Hi Elijah, Here I am again just being amazed by the artwork that you make. I suppose this was a 3D project...and you've taken it and made wonderful abstract figures...that still remind me of your figures that you draw...I'm so proud of you and the great work you're doing. Of course you're my grandson and that would give you good art making genes...and then there's your mom who is a terrifically talented artist, and grandpa Larry and Martha, also great artists and your papa who is a really good artist. From Grandma Maggie you get your strategic brilliant mind, always thinking and figuring things out! That's the lawyer and the judge in you! I love you...xxx Grandma Joan
- joan(fan) on November 23, 2020
Dear Elijah. I think this work you're doing with cut out paper. It is fantastic. I'm serious. You have created your own magic with colored paper, a scissors...and glue. Ok, kids are given this stuff and often make not very interesting work with it...But you take this material and create magic! Elijah art magic. Bravo! You are a wonderful artist! xxxooo Grandma Joan
- joan(fan) on November 23, 2020
OK. So this guy is one of my favorites...Maybe because he looks so vulnerable...a little lost and sad but adorable...and cute...Plus I LOVE the colors you used...It's all so well and carefully done...Bravo ELIJAH!!! I LOVE YOU. XXX
- joan(fan) on November 23, 2020
Hi Elijah. I love your drawings. On this one I especially likethe figure at the bottom along with the figure at the top. I wonder what that bottom guy, animal, is doing down there...protecting the hero? I also love the jagged leg with the arrow!! That is amazing. And I love the whole spirit of the hero figure. I think this is a drawing from your book that you showed us the other day. Your book is truly amazing! What a great job and what hard work to make it ...but maybe not...maybe it was just so enjoyable to make those drawing that it didn't seem like hard work at all! Keep drawing! You're a really good artist! xxxGrandma Joan
- joan(fan) on November 23, 2020
This guy is hilarious. Really a sill face...He looks like he needs to go to the dentist...Is this a bull that someone is trying to rope?! Love the colors, as usual, your choice of colors is just great....the green lines on the face and nose and the blue line outlining the face. It must be an animal. Am I right? Oh no...I just got it...the brown rope is attached and making a mask!! Not a bull being roped...I don't know. This is a silly drawing...those eyes, that nose, that mouth...and then it has horns? You make me smile Elijah. I'm sitting here waiting for Trump to lose and this drawing is kind of how I feel at the moment! I love you. xxxooo Grandma Joan
- joan(fan) on November 23, 2020
Hi Elijah. I love how detailed this drawing is and how carefully you drew it. I looks to me like a video game...with a grand master guy sitting at the top of the spaceship? Is that a spaceship they[re all entering. I see a mountain and a ladder...I love all the characters you created...And believe it or not I LOVE the tiny touch of yellow n the object at the bottom of the page. What is that blue, yellow and red thing? I also just noticed the yellow line around the characters. I love that yellow line. You are a really good artist! I love how clear your work is. The creatures are so well done and clear. Bravo Elijah!! from your grandma who also happens to be an artist too! I love you!!!
- joan(fan) on November 23, 2020
Hi Elijah. I love this happy creature. He/She is very silly! But very happy. Kind of reminds me of you jumping into the pool this summer. I also LOVE the colors you chose...The blue is so beautiful and the green pipe cleaners is a perfect choice for the color of his/her legs and arms...and tail. Pipe cleaners is what we used to call those twisty cloth things with wire inside them. What do you call them. I wonder if it's the same name we used. Mostly I can see that you were having fun making this and that makes me VERY happy. much love and many big hugs to you Elijah. xxxooograndma Joan
- joan(fan) on November 23, 2020
Hi Elijah. It's kind of hard to see this work the way it was photographed but I like the shapes and colors...Is that a figure that I see or are they abstract shapes that you painted? Hard to tell. Also the light brown creature looks like it may be a tortoise. Am I right or not? These need to be photographed better! I love you. I love the artwork that you make. You are a really really good artist! xxxooograndma joan
- joan(fan) on November 23, 2020
Hi Elijah. I like this creature. I love the red lines you added on top. Not sure what they're about, you have to tell me, but they make the drawing of this creature come alive. Also is it saying hello or defending itself? Also that's a wild tail! Great work Elijah. So glad to see your artwork online! Keep making more! Your work inspires me to go into the studio and make something too. I finished a painting and now have to start another. I love you. xxxooo Grandma Joan
- joan(fan) on November 23, 2020
Still wondering and worrying about this. Are they dancing and having fun or escaping form a burning building...Call me to talk about this drawing...it's Powerful!! xxxooo
- joan(fan) on October 25, 2020
The more I look at this drawing the more I love it...Seriously Elijah. A wonderful incredible work of art. love from Grandma Joan
- joan(fan) on October 25, 2020
Hi Elijah. Love this figure, doing so well in the midst of the black lines of chaos. You're a terrific artist! xxxgrandma joan
- joan(fan) on October 25, 2020
Hi Elijah. This is Grandma Joan. I love your sculptures. They are so well done. I also love when you put them on a piece of paper and make drawings around them, tell stories with the drawings and sculpture. These sculptures are fantastic. Keep up the good work. We are so proud of you! love and hugs. Grandma Joan
- joan(fan) on October 25, 2020
Hi Elijah. I LOVE these latest pieces. They seem alive. Wonderful work! xxGrandma Maggie
- Grandma Maggie(fan) on October 25, 2020
- Martha on October 25, 2020
Wow! Is this new? I love it! Need to talk about it when we Zoom. xxxooo Love you.
- joan(fan) on October 13, 2020
This is funny! I like it a lot.
- joan(fan) on October 13, 2020
You're not making XMAS art...are you? That is a cute figure. Love it.
- joan(fan) on October 13, 2020
Is this new. It's great! Love your artwork! You take after someone I know! xxxGrandma Joan
- joan(fan) on October 13, 2020
This great!!
- Grandma Maggie on October 13, 2020
I especially love this little figure! ...with the green tongue hanging out! I once made a painting sort of like this, with a screaming figure whose red tongue was out. Remind me to show you a picture of it. Hugs from Grandma Joan
- joan(fan) on October 13, 2020
This is wonderful. It’s so full of life.
- Grandma Maggie on October 13, 2020
I love this! It’s so powerful.
- Grandma Maggie on October 13, 2020
Elijah, You're a great artist. I love this drawing! much love from Grandma Joan.