Nara63's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Nara63's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nara Lin, Your artwork looks like three beautiful sunflowers trying to stay alive as the cold blue winds are blowing through them. Your sunflowers make me feel happy and warm! I love your work. Poppi
- Pop(fan) on January 4, 2024
Nara, This girl looks very strange but interesting. When I look at her eyes she looks like she is confused; maybe it's because of what she has buzzing on top of her head. I love her tiny red lips. She appears to be smiling. What is the reason her face is purple? Is she ill? I love you very much. Pop
- Pop on January 4, 2024
This is a really neat drawing. It could be a game where people look at it and try to figure the number of geometric shapes you have in there. I know you love math, and I love you, very much! Poppi
- Pop on October 18, 2023
Nara, this looks so cool! It says if you're looking up from a floor that is made of glass. The shirt you made is awesome. I love the colors. Can you make me one of those? I love you honey, great job, keep up the good work. Poppi
- Pop on October 18, 2023
Nara, This art piece is wild! To me, it looks like a fish I have never seen before. I can't figure out if it has a moustache or barbs like a catfish has. His tongue looks like a tiny snake that he sticks out to attract other fish to his mouth, so he can gobble them up! This is also a very happy looking piece of art that I would love to own. Are you selling it? I love you, sweetheart. Poppi
- Narlin on March 29, 2023
Nara, I think your geometric shapes look really neat. I see a cylinder, a sphere, a cone. The colors and designs you you put on them are really creative! I love your artwork! Pop!
- Pop on March 29, 2023
Nara Lin, I think your drawing of this girl is so beautiful!! I especially love her eyes and the freckles on her face. She kind of looks like you. Is that a number 9 I see on her shirt? I love you, Sis, Poppi
- Pop on March 29, 2023
Nara, I just love this piece of artwork!! It looks like the cup is sitting in front of the paper. It is very 3 dimensional. It seems like I could grab the cup and take a drink. It smells delicious, and looks like it's a bit hot. I will wait a few minutes before I chug it down on this very cold winter's day!! Love, Poppi
- Poppi on March 29, 2023
Nara, Did you name this person "The Aluminum Girl?" It looks like she is trying to do a ballet dance. I thik it is very interesting that you could make a figure using foil. Girl....You are creative! Poppi
- Pop(fan) on January 12, 2022
Nara, Did you name this person "The Aluminum Girl?" It looks like she is trying to do a ballet dance. I thik it is very interesting that you could make a figure using foil. Girl....You are creative! Poppi
- Pop(fan) on January 12, 2022
Nara, This looks like a very detailed 3-leaf clover. The patterns! I counted 14 spaces where you put in patterns. This would be really cool to draw for St. Patrick's Day! I love it! Poppi
- Pop(fan) on March 29, 2023
Nara, What is this puppy's name? He looks very happy. I know you really love dogs! Poppi
- Pop(fan) on January 12, 2022
Nara, I love the little snail, but my favorite is the animal in the upper left corner. I am guessing it is some type of fish. Whatever it is it is really interesting. Great job! Poppi
- Pop(fan) on January 12, 2022
Nara, I love your fish drawing; especially since all of them are smiling! Very cool! Poppi
- Pop(fan) on January 12, 2022
Nara, I just love this art piece! When I first looked at it I saw the sun, but when I looked closer, I noticed the moon. This is a really cool piece of work. A little tricky on the eye. I love it!!! Poppi
- Pop(fan) on January 12, 2022
Nara, I really like the colors in your mitten. You are going to have to show me jhow to cut a snowflake like that; I think that is beautiful! Poppi
- Pop(fan) on January 12, 2022
Nara What a cool piece of art you made. You certainly know all the colors in in the rainbow spectrum. I love the way you dressed the girl for a rainstorm! The boots you made look like the ones I used to have a long time ago. I see the lightning bolts bolts coming down camera, she better get out of the rain. I love all of your work, and I love you.
- Poppi on January 12, 2022
Beautiful artwork sweetheart! You are so talented, I want all of these hanging on my walls!
- Auntie Rachel on January 5, 2022
I love the hearts on this one. They are kind of camo. It looks like our solar system is Playing tic tac toe.
- Jon (Father) on December 14, 2021
Nara I love this pattern! Very cool colors!
- Jon (Father) on December 14, 2021