Katlyn1257's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Katlyn1257's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is interesting. Both appear to be looking a little to their right. Of course I prefer the one that is smiling because I like the expression of joy but it does beg a question. Are they looking at the same thing? Do they both see the same thing to the right and one cries as the other smiles? If that is the case then this is a great example of perspective. What we see is not the determining factor of our emotions. What we make of what we see is the determining factor. Can we always find the good or "joy" in whatever it is we see.
- Aaron on March 10, 2021
A new adventure! From shapes to animals. All I can think about looking at this is "baby shark .....do do dodo....." :) It looks like there are some rough seas there. Keep up the good work!
- Aaron on February 25, 2021
This is very interesting. When I say interesting, I mean it draws me to look at it. It is interesting how you didn't just use standard shapes but added in free flowing ones also. Good Job!
- Aaron (Father) on February 12, 2021
Very good job of creating the 3D tunnel effect. It definitely gives the feel of being able to reach into it like a real box!
- Aaron on February 10, 2021
Once again, very good mixture. I really like those colors and how they combine. It reminds me of of a quilt but a woven one. Good Job :)
- Aaron on February 10, 2021
Great drawing skills shown here. I like the slight head tilt that aligns perfectly with the empathy described in the words written. It is true that the words written are an accurate description of you. That is a description to be proud of!
- Aaron (Father) on December 8, 2020
I think the mice are very good ??
- Aaron (Father) on November 16, 2020
Looks great ! ??
- Aaron (Father) on October 6, 2020