GREGORY305's Comments (25)

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Below are comments about GREGORY305's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Daddy and I really like your dragon. Really cool colors. Great job!!
-- Denise
- on April 28, 2010
Gregory, Sharp looking Chinese dragons. I like the blue stone on it's head. Good Job!!!!! Love, Mom Mom Dinah
- on December 27, 2009
Gregory, That is right, trees have green leaves, all different color leaves,and then they all fall off. Good Job. Love, Mom Mom Dinah
- on November 22, 2008
It looks like the zig bug is getting ready to fly in his hut that you made for him. Good work. Love Mom Mom Dinah
- on November 7, 2008
Greg you did a great job on this...I miss you and love you very much..... Love, Aunt Jen
- on November 7, 2008
Great Job. I love the color of the bugs wings. Love Aunt Patti
- on November 7, 2008
Gregory, Good job. Is that a small Scooby Do?? I enjoy seeing your art work. Keep up the good work. Love you, Mom Mom Dinah
- on October 8, 2008
Greg , What a Great Picture of a cat......GOOD JOB!! Love, Aunt Jen
- on October 8, 2008
Gregory, You did a wonderful job on the the cats face and made a comfy mat for the cat. Outstanding!!! Love you and see you soon. Aunt Patti
- on October 8, 2008
Gregory, Another good picture. It looks like it's getting ready to walk away. :-) Keep up the good work. Love Mom Mom Dinah
- on September 26, 2008
GREAT JOB!!!Very colorful just like spring. Love MOM
- on June 8, 2008
Gregory, They are wild! Keep up the good work.. Love Mom Mom Dinah
- on June 4, 2008
Gregory, I love the way you added all the different colors. Great Job. Aunt Patti
- on June 4, 2008
I love this picture! It does look like something Picasso would do. Great job! Love, Mom.
- on April 29, 2008
Gregory, This is very colorful. When I look at this it does make me feel like spring is here. I'm going to put it on my refrigerator. Good job! Love you, Mom Mom Dinah
- on April 24, 2008
Gregory you are doing a great job. Keep it up.. Remember you were here at mom mom's looking at your pictures together. That was fun. Love you.
- on April 21, 2008
Gregory, You did such a good job on your gingerman. I'm going to print it and put it on my refrigerator for Christmas. Keep up the good work. Love, Mom Mom Dinah
- on December 19, 2007
WOW That Gingerbread man looks very tasty. Great Job! Aunt Patti
- on December 15, 2007
Gregory, I just opened my email and I was happy to see I had an email showing me more of your artwork. This is a great scarecrow. You did a good job. Keep up the good work. Love Mom Mom,Dinah
- on December 5, 2007
I love your scarecrow. You did a GREAT job!!! Love, Mom
- on November 28, 2007
Gregory, I love how you used the stickers and buttons on your ART picture. Keep up the GREAT work. Love Aunt Patti
- on November 28, 2007
This is Aunt Jessica it pleases me to see what a terrific job u are doing in school i new that u would. Im really proud of u i would like one with a autograph if i can have a pic with a autograph . Well keep up the good work i know u can do it im so so so proud of u and always remember Aunt Jessica love u very very much cant wait to see u again love always, Jessica
- on November 28, 2007
Gregory, this picture is GREAT....It makes Aunt Jen hungry for ICE CREAM....You are a GREAT artist and I love you!!!! Love, Aunt Jen
- on November 12, 2007
WOW Gregory You did a great job.
- on November 12, 2007
Gregory, I love this one with all the pretty bright colors .It makes me hungry. You did a great job on all the pictures. Keep up the good work. Mom Mom is very proud of you..
- on November 12, 2007