REED113's Comments (36)

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Below are comments about REED113's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Reed, can you tell Aunt Donna what a mola is? I do like the very colorful picture you drew. It is awesome!
-- Donna
- on April 9, 2010
I love the 2Molas, Reed! GREAT JOB AGAIN!! MOMMY
-- Laura
- on March 6, 2010
Love it, Reed!! Mommy :)
- on January 29, 2010
It's beautiful Reed!
- on December 14, 2009
This is a perfect picture for winter. I love it! It might even be my favorite. You did a great job, buddy. Squeak Squeak
- on December 14, 2009
Great job Reed! Love the colors. Aunt Joan
- on December 9, 2009
Wow, Reed that's AWESOME!!!
- on December 8, 2009
I love the Turtle. You need to give it to Anna. Mommy
- on November 29, 2009
Great job Reed. Keep up the good work. Grandma&Pop
- on November 16, 2008
That's a beautiful Fall picture Reed! Great job! ~ Mommy
- on November 12, 2008
Awesome job Reed! Keep up the good work! Love you, Mommy
- on October 1, 2008
Awesome picture Reed! One of my very favorite. Keep up the great work! ~ Aunt Joan
- on October 1, 2008
Great job Reed,keep up the good work, POP
- on October 1, 2008
Reed - that is the best looking cat picture that I have ever seen. I love it! Keep up the great work. Love, Aunt Donna
- on June 1, 2008
Super job Reed! Looks like he is ready for a party!
- on June 1, 2008
Great job Reed,keep up the good work. I am proud of you. POP
- on June 1, 2008
Awesome picture. Can you paint me one to hang up? Aunt Cindy
- on April 27, 2008
I think this is my most favorite. Love you, Aunt Donna Hey - is that Java and Jake I see on the bus?
- on April 24, 2008
That is very good Reed! It looks like a real artist painted that. Aunt Donna
- on April 24, 2008
Hey, that does look like Anna! Love, Aunt Donna
- on April 24, 2008
Great job, buddy!
- on April 6, 2008
Reed, You are the "bomb"!
- on April 6, 2008
Hey. That looks like Anna! Aunt Cindy
- on April 6, 2008
I love your school bus picture. Aunt Cindy
- on April 6, 2008
Reed, I love it! Keep up the great work! Love, Aunt Joan
- on April 5, 2008
i wish i was as good as an artist as you! i love you! --Anna [:
- on December 18, 2007
Reed, this is my favorite picture of them all! You did such a good job.
- on December 14, 2007
Reed, He looks yummy! Can we eat him for Christmas? Love ~ Aunt Joan
- on December 14, 2007
Reed, that looks good enough to eat! Great work.
- on December 14, 2007
I love this red-headed scarecrow, Reed!!
- on December 12, 2007
Reed, this is awesome. I love the colors!!! Keep up the good work!!!
- on October 29, 2007
You are the best artist in the world!! Grant
- on October 29, 2007
Nicely done Reed...very good work. Uncle Brad
- on October 28, 2007
That's AWESOME, Reed!!
- on October 28, 2007
Wow! I really like this one a lot. Keep up the good work and I am looking forward to seeing more.
- on October 9, 2007
- on October 8, 2007