Christian30830's Comments (49)

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Below are comments about Christian30830's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Christian. I really like this artwork! It looks like stained glass with sections of it 3 dimensional, the bright colors look puffy. Well done! Nana
- Nana on February 20, 2025
Nice work, Christian! Happy 2025 to you too! It’s going to be a great year for you in school and in sports! Looking forward to watching you grow! Love, Boppa
- Boppa on January 22, 2025
Hi Christina, I love this artwork! It reminds me of Grand Teton National Park views! I like how you showed the snow covering that blew on one side of the mountain and the lovely sky on that cold winter night. Is it Christmas night? Great job! Love Nana.
- Nana on December 13, 2024
Nice job on this, Christian! It’s a very interesting and colorful face and, of course, it’s in purple because of your favorite football team! It looks like one of the many medals you have received for all your sports awards! Love, Boppa
- Boppa on April 10, 2024
Nice work, Christian! This is such an interesting piece! The sparkling gemstones add a lot to the clay figure. I am wondering if you studied the Aztec civilization in Mexico as part of this unit? Aztec artists were held in high regard and were called Tolteca. Love, Nana
- Nana on April 10, 2024
I like this winter scene! The trees have such different designs and colors. The watercolors make it look like a peaceful scene and the cut out snowflakes are an interesting addition. Nice work, Christian!
- Nana on January 24, 2024
Very creative, Christian! I always love your artwork! You have a great imagination! Love, BOPPA
- Boppa on January 24, 2024
I love this artwork! The colors and details are great. I feel the drowsiness and coolness of the moon and the radiance and warmth of the sun when I look at it! Keep up the good work! XO Nana
- Nana on January 24, 2024
Wow! What a haunting eye! I looks like it is from a cold and calculating creature! It really stands out because of the dark colors you put next to it. Great job! Nana
- Nana on October 4, 2023
This is a scary looking fish! I wouldn’t want to watch this one! Good job with the different colors!
- Boppa on October 4, 2023
Nice fish! Nice job on the detail.
- Boppa on October 4, 2023
Nice fish! Nice job on the detail.
- Boppa on October 4, 2023
Nice fish! Nice job on the detail.
- Boppa on October 4, 2023
Wow Christian, you really have some creative paintings on Dragons! I like this close up of his eye. Very good detail. It really looks like an eye! Good use of different colors. Love, Boppa
- Boppa on October 4, 2023
This one, too, is really good!
- Jean on October 4, 2023
Yay Christian!
- Jean on October 4, 2023
You did a great job showing the texture on the fish! This really illustrates the "Horror" for the small green fish.It looks like drops of blood are dripping on him. He is is trouble! Nice work! Nana
- Nana on October 4, 2023
- Great Grandma Margaret on May 31, 2023
This is so real!
- Jean on May 31, 2023
Great job, Christian!! Love you, GG.
- Jean on May 31, 2023
Oh boy! This looks so delicious and realistic! I'll bet your mouth was watering when you made it! Nice work! Nana
- Nana on May 17, 2023
Hi Christian, I love this clay pot! The different widths of the coils make it interesting. I also like the way you applied different colors inside and outside. This looks like it would have been a fun project to make! Nice job! Nana
- Nana on May 17, 2023
Great pictures! Keep up the great art work!??
- Great Grandma Margaret on March 16, 2023
Oh no! Is the title of this one "The Demise of the Marshmallow Snowman"? It looks like he made a mistake jumping in hot cocoa at Dunkin' Donuts! It is a fun winter picture! Nice work!
- Nana on March 16, 2023
I love this picture! It is serene and relaxing to view with the black/white, the red sun pop of color and the bamboo garden scene. I am wondering about the meaning of the rectangular figures on the right side. We should discuss it! XO Nana
- Nana on March 16, 2023
Nice Hot Cocoa mug, Christian! I always enjoyed having hot cocoa with you after we played outside! Nice job!
- Boppa on March 16, 2023
Nice work, Christian! The owl is very colorful and vibrant! I am wondering about the one black eye. Does he have a monocle (single eye glass) on? I expect he is a wise owl! Nana
- Nana on February 22, 2023
Christian, Nice work! I like the way the heart "pops" visually because of the colors you used and the sharp triangular shapes you used in the background! XO Nana
- Nana on February 22, 2023
This creature has such long legs. I imagine he can outrun everyone! It looks like he has cleats on his shoes. Guess he is a good soccer player? Is this how you feel if you lose a game, green faced? Nice job! Love, Nana
- Nana on January 20, 2023
Haha! This is perfect for you, Christian, because you always say you are hungry! This is a good drawing of a robot and pepperoni pizza! Next time you can do one that says “Boppa, can I have a bar?” ??
- Boppa on January 13, 2023
I enjoyed this picture! It appears the large piece of pepperoni pizza is in trouble! The other character is hungry and looking at it with a determined look in his eyes! It makes me hungry for pizza. Nice work! Love, Nana
- Nana on January 13, 2023
Is this a combination Viking's player and monster? I like it? Who is number 30? I would hate to play football against this guy! Nice job! Love, Boppa
- Boppa on January 13, 2023
Wow, Christian, you are becoming a great artist! I love the detail on this fox. You did a great job drawing it and coloring it in. It looks very life-like! I also really like the birch trees and the sky in the background. Really nice job! Love, Boppa
- Boppa on January 13, 2023
Hi Christian, Great work! The fox looks like he has a lot of personality with his curled mustache (whiskers) and the mischievous and sneaky look in his eyes! Birch trees were my favorite type of tree when I was younger. Love, Nana
- Nana on January 13, 2023
So colorful, Christian! I love it! Nice job!
- Boppa on December 9, 2022
Hi Christian, I love this artwork! It has so much energy and activity going on! I would enjoy talking to you about your thoughts when you were designing it. XO, Nana
- Nana on September 22, 2022
Hi Christian, Your painting made me happy reminding me of beautiful spring flowers! You did a great job! I like your interpretation of Picazzo's La Petite Fleurs. Love, Nana
- Nana on April 13, 2022
Hi Christian, You did a nice job with your Easter artwork! It looks like the Easter bunny in the center has been working too hard preparing Easter baskets and needed a nap! Very cute! We will miss seeing you at Easter this year! XO Nana
- Nana on April 13, 2022
Nice work Christian! I like the way the colors are mixed and blend in the background! Were you thinking of Benjamin when you drew the Valentines that are missing teeth? Nana
- Nana on February 16, 2022
What a unique Valentine’s Day painting, Christian! Very creative. Why is the one heart frowning? Happy Valentine’s Day! Boppa
- Boppa on February 10, 2022
Hi Christian! I really like your snowman drawing! I like your use of blacks, grays, and whites. It looks really cool! Let’s make a real snowman outside the next time it snows and have some hot chocolate!
- Boppa on February 16, 2022
I really like your snowman Christian. I hope we can make a real one when I come home! Boppa
- Boppa(fan) on February 2, 2022
The winter landscape picture is beautiful! It captures so many things unique to winter. Each time I look at it I notice more details. I see the leg of the person who left the footprints in the snow. Is that you?
- Nana on January 29, 2022
Nice work Christian! I can see the texture on the feathers of the owl! Love, Nana
- Nana on November 24, 2021
Great job Christian! I could tell it was a fall day with the wind gusts in the sky. Loved the pumpkins!
- Nana on November 4, 2021
Christian, This is a beautiful picture! I love the colors and the types of flowers you selected. Great work! Nana
- Nana on June 19, 2021
I love this artwork Christian! You are a very good artist!
- Boppa on January 20, 2021
I really like your Halloween picture, Christian! The cool pumpkin and the tombstone are great! Keep up the good work! Love, Nana
- Nana on November 11, 2020
These look great Christian! I love the pumpkin and haunted house! You are so talented!
- BOPPA on November 11, 2020