Ohhhh, Caroline, I love your kitties!! You are such a great Kindergarten artist!! Grandma
- Charli on April 16, 2021
Ohhhhh, wow! Caroline, this is spectacular, especially your great rainbow! Keep up the super duper work, Pretty Girl! I love you!
- Grandma Charli on April 7, 2021
Ohhhh, my goodness, CJ...this is one of your best EVER! Grandma loves watching your artistic talent develop! Keep up the fabulous work you’re doing in KINDERGARTEN!
- Charli(fan) on March 18, 2021
LOVE your fishy tank, Caroline! <3 Mom
- Mom on March 18, 2021
Oh, my SWEET CAROLINE! Your elf legs and shoes are super! Grandma loves the patterns you made! Pretty colors! Wonder if your elf knows Jasper or Jingles??? MERRY ?? CHRISTMAS! I LOVE YOU!!
- Charli on December 9, 2020
Carolina look at that cuddly teddy bear you made you sure love your animals!
- Dad on November 18, 2020
Hi my Sweet Caroline! Grandma has already received her magnets with this super piece of YOUR artwork on them! As always, I’m so very proud of m’girly!??
- Charli(fan) on November 18, 2020
I really love your monster! Keep up the great artwork! ?Mom
- Christina (Mother) on November 10, 2020
Wow, Sweet Caroline! Can’t believe you’re actually in KINDERGARTEN, and now on Artsonia like Parker! Grandma loves your Goofy Jack-O-Lantern! Super job! I love you!!!