Violet4129's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Violet4129's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Here kitty kitty! This is such a masterpiece!
- Estefania (Mother) on February 4, 2023
Very artistic! Love the colors.
- Estefania (Mother) on February 4, 2023
Love yur farm. Can’t wait to visit yurs one day!
- Estefania (Mother) on February 4, 2023
This is one of my all time fav pieces.
- Estefania (Mother) on February 4, 2023
Ilove it! It’s spectacular!
- Estefania (Mother) on February 4, 2023
Amazing ???? she is a small Picasso
- Tia Jen on February 4, 2023