Freyja51's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Freyja51's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Freyja I really like this sculpture! It is very interesting and cool! Keep up the creativity sweet- heart!?
- Sylvia on May 24, 2023
Oh Freyja! This artwork depicts a very lovely day! I am so excited to see more of your art! You are a very talented young lady, my sweet!
- Sylvia(fan) on February 1, 2023
Oh Freyja! This artwork depicts a very lovely day! I am so excited to see more of your art! You are a very talented young lady, my sweet!
- Sylvia(fan) on February 5, 2023
This is such an INCREDIBLY AWESOME drawing Freyja!! I am ever so VERY,VERY,VEEERY proud of you!! I am looking forward to MORE drawings from you. Fantastic Job sweetheart. Love Mommy
- Shawna (Mother) on March 30, 2022