Grady2167's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Grady2167's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is great, Grady! You know where there are lots of mountains to paint?! Seattle!!! :)
- Kate(fan) on May 26, 2021
Very cool, Grady!! Is that tissue paper on the leaves? It's really pretty!!
- Aunt Kate on November 18, 2020
Nice job, Grady!! Love the different leaf shapes!
- Maggie (Mother) on November 3, 2020
Grady I love this one! I just might have to get a t-shirt! :)
- Deece on October 28, 2020
I looked up Keith Haring dogs - and this is just like it!! I can't wait to see your next piece!!
- Kate(fan) on October 28, 2020
Wow Grady, this is great! What does it take to get my very own piece of Grady original art!? :)
- Kate(fan) on October 28, 2020
Wow - Grady! This is lovely! Monet is my favorite!
- Maggie (Mother) on October 20, 2020
Great job Grady! Both pieces are very good. My favorite is the one from the Monet pond project- love the colors.
- Grandma on October 20, 2020
I love your dog, Grady! Very cute!!! ??
- Maggie (Mother) on October 13, 2020
Very creative Grady! Good job!!
- Deece on October 19, 2020