Austin33745's Comments (44)

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Below are comments about Austin33745's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Aw so sweet your sugar skull. Yes we have tractor and we both love you very much. All your favorite colors ~Love you
- Papa and Grandma on November 15, 2023
Oh what a beautiful butterfly ~ love you
- Papa and Grandma on November 15, 2023
You have a colorful combine, I know you love combines ~love you
- Papa and Grandma on November 15, 2023
Looks like some sort of string wonder around to make thugs. Good job -Love
- Grandma and Papa on November 15, 2023
Look like Lego blocks very cute -Love you
- Grandma and Papa on November 15, 2023
Oh you made a cute kitty . I know you love them - Love You
- Grandma and Papa on November 15, 2023
What a beautiful flower Austin- Love you
- Grandma and Papa on November 15, 2023
I like your favorite foods. Yes you like them all . Good Job-Love
- Papa and Grandma on November 15, 2023
The Charger’s Go Chargers! Your favorite -love
- Papa and Grandma on November 15, 2023
Looks like a camper which I know you and the Family like great job ~ Love
- Papa and Grandma on November 15, 2023
You did a very good job. Love the snowflakes - Love Grandma and Papa
- Karen on January 24, 2023
Very nice picture. I like your trees also in the picture ~ love you
- Papa and Grandma on January 24, 2023
What a beautiful sunset. It is so full of so many colors - Love
- Papa and Grandma on January 24, 2023
Looks like a nice bowl of fruit ! Yum I’ll eat ~ love
- Papa and Grandma on January 24, 2023
Austin. What a great picture if the universe It is a mixed up one at that. -love ya
- Papa and Grandma on January 24, 2023
Is this one of the little piggies? Looks great ~
- love Papa and Grandma on January 24, 2023
Great Picture with different shapes good job! ~
- love Papa and Grandma on January 24, 2023
I bet I can guess what this is farmer boy. keep up the great work ~
- love Papa and Grandma on January 24, 2023
Thats a snowman the yellow looks like a scared person ~love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
Nice picture of a snowman on a pretty winter day ~love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
Nice picture of the Cardinals in the snow ~ Love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
Oh you made a Worry Doll? Nice ~ love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
Nice picture of the apples. Are you going to make an apple pie? ~ love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
What a nice picture of Spring flower! ~ love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
Austin a nice dragon puppet keep up the good work!~Love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
Austin a nice selfie of you in the winter~
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
Austin such a nice picture of you Family~ love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
Very cute Penguin ~Love
- Grandma and papa on January 24, 2023
Good clay fish ~ Love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
Great small people Austin ~ Love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
Like your monster! ~ Love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
Great fall tree ~ Love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
Good picture ~ Love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
Nice portrait Austin ~ Love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
Lot of action going on very good! ~ Love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
Great hand prints Austin~ Love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
Looks like one of those JD tractors ~ Love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
What a great rainbow Austin~ Love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
Lots of imagination Austin ~ Love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
What a great picture with the reflection Austin ~Love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
What a great snow flake Austin~ love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
Austin you did a great job~ love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
Austin nice picture of your family fun~love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023
Austin You did a wonderful snowflake while you were off ~Love
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2023