Ellis1229's Comments (28)

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Below are comments about Ellis1229's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow, Ellis - You are The Scream! What a cool idea to illustrate the background and act out the image. What other paintings can you make like this?
- Jamile(fan) on June 24, 2024
What a great cheetah you painted, Ellis! It seems to be running very fast!
- Jamile(fan) on May 22, 2024
Ellis! I love this one so much!!! I think it is my favorite artwork you have made so far. The colors are so rich and the sweet pueblos so quaint and inviting. The desert cactus and agave plant are also easily identified. This one belongs in an art MUSEUM! <3 <3 <3
- Jamile on March 6, 2024
Fantastic work, Ellis! You really took time to see light and shadow to create form. I love this one!
- Jamile on February 21, 2024
This is wonderful Ellis! Your use of dark and light, the values, to define the form is so good! So proud of you sweetheart!
- Mimi on February 14, 2024
Wow, Ellis! This nighttime wintery scene is beautiful! I really enjoy how you captured the glow of the moon and texture of the trees using large brush strokes. That technique reminds me of famous artist, Alma Thomas's, work. When I worked at Smithsonian, I got to handle one of her paintings titled "Blast Off, 1970." Keep up the creative work!
- Jamile on February 7, 2024
Hi Ellis! What a beautiful thing you made! I especially like how you captured the snow resting in the window panes, and the shadows of the candlestick holder. Keep creating!
- Jamile on January 3, 2024
Hey Ellis! I'm loving your wintery penguin scene! It looks like those little birdies are living it UP on their iceberg. It reminds me of seeing the glaciers in Alaska in Prince William Sound. Brr! I love the waves you drew. Keep making art!
- Jamile on January 3, 2024
Hey Ellis! Your painting is awesome! I really like how you depicted light coming from the moon and the varied colors in the sky!
- Jamile on November 1, 2023
This is such an energetic scene! It feels alive! Good job Ellis!
- Thia Schuler on October 11, 2023
Ellis! This still life is fantastic! Your use of light and shadow and highlights looks like a professional artist!
- Jamile on July 19, 2023
Ellis, this artwork is so beautiful. The composition and colors are both brilliant. The addition of the white highlight is also very nice!
- Jamile on July 19, 2023
Ellis! Your mountain art is FANTASTIC!!! I absolutely love the colors you chose and how you added light and shadow, foreground, middle ground and background!
- Jamile on July 19, 2023
Hi Ellis - This painting reminds me of a famous painting called "The Great Wave" by the artist Hokusai. I love it!
- Jamile(fan) on March 1, 2023
Hi Ellis! Are you learning about the Ming Dynasty? I really like the attention you gave to the details of the vase and the different tints of pink in the flowers!
- Jamile(fan) on March 1, 2023
Hi Ellis - This artwork reminds me of a stained glass window. You chose a lovely palette of colors as well. Keep on creating!
- Jamile on November 30, 2022
Is Notre Dame your inspiration? (must be post fire, no spire) Beautiful work Ellis! I was in the cathedral a few months before the fire. It was truly a spiritual experience. Maybe I should take you there in a few years! Would that be fun?
- Mimi on November 30, 2022
Hi Ellis - This artwork is very creative. You used so many different shapes and a lot of expression!
- Jamile(fan) on April 20, 2022
Hi Ellis - These fish are fantastic! My favorite is the happy red fish. It is so cute!
- Jamile(fan) on April 20, 2022
Hi Ellis - The colors and shapes in this artwork are beautiful! I really like how you used white to make the shapes stand out!
- Jamile(fan) on April 20, 2022
Hi Ellis - I love the turtle you drew! You did a very nice work on the details of the shell, the reflection of the moon and the plants growing in the sand.
- Jamile(fan) on April 20, 2022
Hi Ellis, I love this one! The waves and a sunset or sunrise... feels very relaxing. The waves remind me of a famous artwork called The Great Wave by a Japanese artist called Hokusai.
- Jamile on March 11, 2022
Hi Ellis! What an adorable bear you created! I love the texture you added by using lines and dots. The colorful background makes me feel it is a happy bear.
- Jamile on March 11, 2022
Hi Ellis, This wolf looks very angry! I like how you drew the eyebrow at an angle to show extra emotion. It also has scary teeth. The red colored background makes me think of meat... maybe it is a hungry wolf?
- Jamile on March 11, 2022
Hi Ellis! What a cute little critter you drew. I can tell you spent time creating it. I especially like the mischievous expression it has on it's face.
- Jamile on March 11, 2022
Hi Ellis! I love your blue cat. It looks like the cat is wearing an armored helmet and leg gear. I would like to know more about it. Is is holding a weapon, or maybe a fly swatter?
- Jamile on March 11, 2022
This drawing looks just like a Lascaux Cave painting. Your mammoth looks wooly! Nice going, Ellis! Keep drawing!
- Mimi on March 11, 2022
The perspective in your painting is very good. You are very creative, Ellis, and do thoughtful work. I’m proud of you.
- Mimi on March 11, 2022