Victor6900's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Victor6900's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Way to go! Can’t wait to see the rest of your artwork!
- Genevieve (Mother) on June 14, 2022
Interesting artwork! Is that Goku in there?
- Genevieve (Mother) on May 24, 2022
Yummy donuts!! Keep up the good work!
- Genevieve on May 11, 2022
This is beautiful!!!
- Genevieve (Mother) on March 15, 2022
Interesting design!
- Genevieve (Mother) on March 8, 2022
Pretty neat! Good job! Keep it up.
- Genevieve (Mother) on March 1, 2022
This is my favorite! So, so peaceful! Excellent job. Keep it up!
- Genevieve (Mother) on March 4, 2021
Hahahaha!!! I hope these aren't MY teeth!! (Maybe Grandma's :) )
- Robert on March 3, 2021
Hello Victor, This is SO cool. It captures the mood of a quiet moonlit night so perfectly!! I really, like it. Dad
- Robert on March 3, 2021
That is so true! ?? Such wisdom!
- Genevieve (Mother) on February 2, 2021
Victor excellent portfolio of artwork.
- Rosemary(fan) on January 26, 2021
This is peaceful! Lovely image, well done!
- Michelle(fan) on January 26, 2021
Wow! This is certainly striking! Great piece.
- Michelle(fan) on January 26, 2021
This is impressive. Great attention to detail and really well drawn. Really well done!
- Michelle(fan) on January 26, 2021
This is a really great piece! Bringing Mona Lisa into 2021! Fantastic concept.
- Michelle(fan) on January 26, 2021
Are you bringing out your own brand of red velvet oreo cookies? ??
- Merryl(fan) on January 26, 2021
I love this one. Mona Lisa reimagined for the new ages
- Merryl(fan) on January 26, 2021
The real tiger king! Really cool
- Merryl(fan) on January 26, 2021
This made me really want hot chocolate!! It looks so good!
- Merryl(fan) on January 26, 2021
Hey, this is actually pretty cool. How did you do it? Is it based on a picture you’ve seen?
- Dad on November 25, 2020
Hey, that’s a really cool pair of sneakers. I’ll need a pair for my summer games!
- Robert on November 25, 2020