Declan - great job on the Owl and the way you colored it. I especially like the softer looking one in the background. Great job!!!
- John on November 6, 2024
Declan - Great job on Yogi the bear but I'm trying to decide what that is in the middle if his head. Is it Booboo standing behind him with his paw up OR maybe Yogi is trying out a man bun? you will have to left me know. Also great job on the ski sweater. Well done.
- John on February 14, 2024
Delcan, you are such an artist! I love how you used the black paint to create the dinosaur with so much movement to him. The background and colors make him standup and add so much to look of him walking across the paper. So cool!
- Aunt Lindsey on May 3, 2023
The Squirrel is very interesting. I think it was Darth Vader that came back as a Squirrel who now seems to be sleep walking. I love the infusion of color in the background as it really makes Darth the squirrel pop out at you. Declan this should be your next Halloween costume but good luck explaining to the people handing out candy how you use to be Darth Vader. Nice Job!!!!
- john on April 5, 2023
Great use of colors and shapes. I think it's an oil rig located off the Florida gulf coast. It also looks like OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Act) had their hands in designing the rig. I can see the helo pad where they can land a helicopter in case someone gets hurt or the pizza they ordered (from Sam's club).
- John on April 5, 2023
Let me guess. It's a snowman dressed as a penguin and wearing a big floppy hat as he is sitting on the beach enjoying the sun, tropical breeze and people watching. No fear about him melting as he is a very smart snowman and put on Banana Boat sunscreen lotion with a SPF of 95. Actually, he does not mind melting a little as he needs to lose weight from all the holiday cookies he ate. Am I close?
- John on February 8, 2023
A snowman dressed as a duck for Halloween. I like the hair parted in the middle to make him more streamlined when he's flying ........ nice touch as well as the green scarf will keep him warm this time of year. Nicely done Ducky :-)
- John on February 8, 2023
Declan what a great job on drawing a mirror image of a wolf. The wiskers turned out great as did the ear. I'm really impressed, I guess those drawing lessons Emilia and Landon have been giving you is paying off.
- John on February 8, 2023
Declan, your turkey made me smile so big! He looks funny, friendly, and fast. I noticed that you made his tail feathers and the tips of the wings the same blue color - so cool!
- Aunt Lindsey on December 14, 2022
I forgot to comment on this one. This looks like the game Hollywood Squares but instead of each square having a person in it some of your squares also include animals. Left to right top to bottom. ET, Panda, Casper the Friendly Ghost, 2 snake tails, the robot from Robinson Family, Tucker, Tinkerbell, 4 talking almonds, Mr. Pizza Head, A family of 4 playing 31, A family of 8 playing Sleeping Queens (personally I don't like that game) and finally the Pumpkin you carved for Halloween. How did I do, did I get them all right?
- John on November 22, 2022
Declan - you are very creative. To me this looks like a house on another planet and the family set up a tent in the backyard. the square thing on the roof is a television antenna and the triangles are super collecting solar panels, and they are facing in different directions to get as much sun as possible. Each of the boxes in the house represent a different room with some sort of swimming pool or hot tub on top of the garage. Great job! I would buy the house depending on what planet it was located.
- John on November 22, 2022
Declan this is really cool. Looks like they are shooting a man out of a cannon, over a tall building with a bunch of TV antennas on top and up to the stars except it looks like he lost his shirt or pants when he was shot out.
- John on October 5, 2022
Looks Like an Alien spacecraft from a planet with a blue sun and orange people. Or maybe they want to be Bronco fans and are coming to help the fans count down from 10. And the green is the real grass the Bronco’s play on. I’ll bet I’m right, what do you say?
- John on October 5, 2022
Love the Rabbit with a droopy ear and holding a heart like they are missing a loved one. Nice job! Declan
- John on October 5, 2022
I love this piece , especially the heart. Good job!!
- Susan on October 5, 2022
I love your picture, they look like flowers and the one looks like a flower of buttonholes. How creative. Good job.
- Susan on June 1, 2022
I think those are flowers and if they are they are so unique. They make me smile. I want to smell them
- Susan on April 20, 2022
A beautiful grove of trees set against a gorgeous blue sky. I really like the tree that grows buttons. I thought my apple tree was cute but your button tree is awesome!
- John on April 20, 2022
Looks like an 18 hole golf course with water, some grass and a ton of sand. Great job as you have all 18 holes in a nice tight course. You probably designed it for your father and really testing his accuracy to hit the greens with all that sand. Also glad you added the club house (the little circle area at the bottom) so you can get someting to eat and drink (probably a glass of water and a large slushy) when done for the day. I like the way you think because with the club house at the bottom you could easily get a slushy before AND after the match. Good luck your dad is pretty good but I hope you win ......... if I was you, I would ask for strokes, lots of them.
- John on April 20, 2022
Declan looks like you designed house with a few different rooms and unique furniture. The police sticker is a nice touch but one I don't really understand unless the its on the outside deck in which case I still don't understand. I take the steering wheel is a game in the family room. The use of all the colors reminds me of ................. a lot of an abstract painting. I hope you had fun making it as I have had fun trying to figure it out. Good job!!!!
- John on March 9, 2022
What a wonderful fish, it makes me think of Finding Dora. I love your artwork because it always makes me happy.
- Susan on February 9, 2022
I am not sure what it is but it sure made me smile . Good job, you are such an artist
- Susan on February 9, 2022
Declan you are so creative, and I love the new art piece. Looks like a heavy piece of machinery used for digging or scraping. Good use of the different colors on blocks. Well done.
- John on February 9, 2022
Ducky - Looks like someone is either having a great day, a bad day or they just forgot to shave. Maybe just a sad day as they forgot their hat at grandma's :-) PS - this would make for a very cool bowling ball.
- John on February 2, 2022
Very pretty vase and I'm sure your mom would love it with some fresh flowers in it. Hint hint, wink wink. I really do like the colors and the shape is perfect for flowers.
- John on February 2, 2022
Declan your art piece made me smile. It reminded me of a Blow Fish I saw once……. It sure is cute! Great job!
- John on February 2, 2022
I see your fish with an orange body, red eyes and water behind it! I love getting to see this after you were telling me about it.
- Kristin (Mother) on January 6, 2022
Very creative Lego plane, I am so impressed
- Susan on December 27, 2021
Look at those scary monsters! It looks like you had fun making this piece of art!
- Kristin (Mother) on November 30, 2021
Declan this is really very impressive with the colors over the ink. Not sure if I’m suppose to but I see a chicken on the right hand side. I bet everyone sees something different. Really cool!
- John on December 27, 2021
I love all the pictures on your imagination chart. So creative
- Susan on November 24, 2021
It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's a super Flying Lego build and designed by Duckie A.
- John on November 24, 2021
Lego's? I wonder if you made it at home and took to school. Looks like you built a Transformer ........... good job.
- John on November 24, 2021
Declan I wonder if this is a rock formation you saw while visiting Moab, UT. If it is not a rock formation I would like to know what it represents.
- John on November 24, 2021
Declan this is a vey interesting and unique piece. It would be great if you had a printed copy and on Sunday you could explain to me what each drawing represents and the dotted line on the side.
- John on November 3, 2021
Declan I am so excited to get to see the artwork that you were telling us about last night! I see lots of chicks playing together :)
- Kristin (Mother) on October 13, 2021
Declan this is really cool. It looks like a bunch of baby chickens playing games with each other right after or right before lunch.
- John on October 13, 2021
Declan this is a very interesting piece. I really like the colors you used, it almost looks like the world when looking at it from outerspace.
- John on October 13, 2021
I love the Bronco colors you used. Such a budding artist
- Susan on October 1, 2021
Declan, the red and blue are so bright and strong in your artwork. The contrast between the colors and the symmetry you created really caught my eye!
- Lindsey(fan) on October 1, 2021
I love this and I’m just seeing it now. You know how much I like red/white/blue colors and stars. I hope you get to take it home and hang on your wall.
- John on October 1, 2021
Declan I love the different shapes you used as well as the colors (blue for my eyes and orange for the Broncos ??). Great job!