Price's artwork is very original and creative with contrasting colors and shadows.
- Lynn on August 28, 2024
- Lynn on August 28, 2024
I love this Price! Great pastel landscape!! It’s a framer, for sure?? Love, Tita
- Terry on March 27, 2024
I love this Price!! Your perspective is really great. Good job!!!
- Tita on January 31, 2024
I LOVE your vase of flowers!!!!! Your use of color is spectacular. It should win a prize. You are SO talented!!!!
- Tita on April 19, 2023
Price, this is FABULOUS and perfect forCinco de Mayo!!! Great job!!! Love, Tita
- Tita on May 4, 2022
I LOVE this Price. Your use of color is fantastic. I would love to hang this in my house!!! You are SO talented!!live, Tita
- Tita on February 9, 2022
Price, This gingerbread house is AMAZING!!! It looks so real that I want to grab the candy off it and eat it!!! You are SOOOO talented!! Love you, Tita
- Tita on February 9, 2022
I like that guy!! He looks crazy and fun. Great picture and great use of colors, Pricey! Love, Dad
- Jeffrey (Father) on November 17, 2021
Price, I LOVE your self portrait!!!!! It looks just like you! I really like your dinosaur tee shirt too! GREAT job!!!!!! Love you??
- Tita on February 9, 2022
Price, This is a great fall arrangement!!! Your colors are fabulous! I love everything about it. Love you, Tita
- Tita on February 9, 2022
Pricey, I LOVE the colors you chose. It is SO bright, happy and fun!!! Love, Tita
- Tita on February 9, 2022
Price, You are an incredibly talented artist!!! This painting is fabulous, interesting and colorful. I just LOVE it!!!! Love, Tita
- Tita on February 9, 2022
Price, This is just FABULOUS!!!!! Youruseofcolir is SPECTACULAR!!!!! You are a creative genius?????????????????????????????? Just L??VE this???????????????????? ??Tita
- Tita on February 9, 2022
Price-Great job channeling your inner Keith Haring! I really love your colors and all your figures. You are becoming quite an artist!!!
- Tita on February 9, 2022
Price, This is absolutely fabulous and your choice of colors is amazing. I just love it and it should be framed!!! I can’t wait to see what you do this year in Art!!!! Love you, Tita