This is really cool and I love the distribution of all the colors. Love, Nana S.
- Nana S. on April 27, 2022
Coop, that is good dimensional proportion with the trailer and the truck going down the highway. Do you use shadowing yet? You could do that behind or on the side of the trailer/truck/sign and tree. Keep up the GREAT work. Love, NANA S.
- Nana on April 27, 2022
I like this one alot, Cooper in fact, I just saw a sunset like this out my back window. Keep up the good work. Love, Nana S.
- Nana S. on March 10, 2022
This reminds me of Grandpa when we went to Wendy's once to get a Frosty, well, Grandpa had been goofing around and calling them sludgies and when we went around the drive thru to order that's what he called them.
- Nana S. on March 1, 2022
Love the name of your snowman. You should have been in our part of the country and could have made a real one.
- Nana S. on March 1, 2022
Cooper, good job on the cutting of the bars, that would be very hard for me to keep them so evenly spaced. Hope the weather gets warmer soon so you can go out more.
- Nana S. on March 1, 2022
Love the bright colors! It reminds of a quilt, it would make a cool quilt.
- Nana S. on March 1, 2022
Nice texture and contrast on this one bud.
- Matthew (Father) on February 10, 2022
Cooper, that looks like a lot of hard work to make so many of those little cans. I bet by the time you were done some of them looked alike. Keep up the good work.
- Nana on February 10, 2022
Very creative. I really enjoy your explanation ?. Keep up the good work. ??
- Nana on November 16, 2021
Quite a Rogue's Gallery you have there. You have several artists in the family. Nana S.
- Nana on July 14, 2021
Wow, what a good job with the shadowing and use of light and dark. You are really coming along with this.
- Nana S. on June 9, 2021
This is by far, my favorite drawing! You're doing so well at color, shading, perspective and scale (sizes). You have drawn a better tractor than I ever did when I was the same age! Love you bud!
- Matthew (Father) on April 30, 2021
This looks very good. The tractor is really good and the distance part of the picture is coming along. I like those silos in the background. Keep up the good work!
- Nana S. on April 30, 2021
This is cool I really like this one.
- Nana S. on April 30, 2021
Good job with the shadowing.
- Nana S. on April 30, 2021
So proud of you Cooper! Love you bud!
- Matthew (Father) on March 17, 2021
Very cute elephant Coop, exactly how long is his trunk? What did you make him out of?
- Nana on March 17, 2021
You are really doing good with your drawing. I see how you are becoming more precise in your pictures. Love ya,
- Nana S. on March 17, 2021
Good job Coop, I think I'll have you weave me a chair back!
- Nana S. on March 17, 2021
I like the colors you chose too. I did paper weaving when I was in 6th grade art class, I thought it was fun. Keep up the good work.
- Nana S. on March 17, 2021
Great job with the choice of color and size of the man. :)
- Matthew (Father) on January 25, 2021
Cooper, is that you taking off into the wild blue yonder? I really like the facial expressions and the way your hair is blowing in the wind. Keep up the good work! Love ya, Nana S.
- Nana on January 25, 2021
I like your snowflakes also. The picture is looks very winter like at nighttime. Good job!
- Nana S. on January 25, 2021
Hey Cooper!!! Nana told me I should come check out some of your artwork. You're doing an amazing job. I think this piece is my favorite. I love the background you chose. Uncle Torrey's favorite animal is the elephant and I'm should he'd agree with you on how majestic they are. You are very talented! Keep up the good work!!! Love you Buddy!
- Aunt Vonna on December 30, 2020
Great job! Love the colors and of course the elephant.
- Nana on December 30, 2020
- Matthew (Father) on November 24, 2020
he spelled polka dot not pocka
- Jordan(fan) on December 30, 2020
I thought you had gone out to Grampa's garden and picked some green beans. Nana
- Nana(fan) on October 28, 2020
This is a very neat drawing, it reminds me of your dad's army uniform. Nana
- Nana(fan) on October 28, 2020
This is a really cool picture. And I like the fact that you kept trying even when you had to do it over several times. The background is really neat, looks like outer space. Nana
- Nana(fan) on October 28, 2020
Keep practicing your drawing every day. I am so glad that you are doing so much with art at your school. You are a very good artist. Love, Nana
- Nana(fan) on October 28, 2020
Love the elephant you are doing great work, keep it up! Nana