I love these! The crosses definitely mean something so important. Great details. -Mom
- Sherry (Mother) on May 24, 2022
I love this drawing! So moving and personal.
- Sherry (Mother) on May 13, 2022
As always, your talent amazes me son.
- Sherry (Mother) on May 13, 2022
Very good. Proud of your art work
- Grandma And Papa on May 25, 2022
Thoroughly impressed! What a great job from real country music. Keep up your great talent son. I love you.
- Dad on May 25, 2022
Outstanding. Very detailed.
- Grandma And Papa on September 8, 2021
Son, this is a fabulous drawing. I love the attention to detail and the American flag. Well-done! Love, Mom
- Sherry (Mother) on September 7, 2021
I love the colors, son. So beautiful!
- Sherry (Mother) on May 29, 2021
Son, please keep your art as one day you'll look back on it and enjoy having those memories of your youth. I know I have whenever I look at my drawings from elementary school. I am so proud of you and I love you so much.
- Dad on June 16, 2021
Son, this is such great work especially with the water and how you've made it look like it's in motion drawing in different directions. My high schoolers who painted koi on a picnic table can't compare. Please continue to master as you have natural talent. All of my love
- Dad on April 14, 2021
I love the colors of this piece! Son, your artwork leaves me in awe. You just keep getting better and better! I love you to the moon and back-Mom
- Sherry (Mother) on April 8, 2021
This is my favorite! ~Mom
- Sherry on January 6, 2021
Son, what great work. I hope you continue with your practice of creating art.
- Dad on January 6, 2021
Love your artwork.
- Grandma And Papa on January 6, 2021
What a nice piece of work. I am so proud that you are my son.
- Tim on January 6, 2021
Great job babe! I love the details.
- Sherry (Mother) on November 4, 2020
Grandma and Papa love your artwork. Keep up the great work.
- Grandma And Papa love your artwork. Keep up the great work. on November 4, 2020
Alexander, I love this one! Very creative and unique. You are so talented. I love you! -Mom
- Mom on October 12, 2020
Alexander, this is the perfect Halloween picture. Looks like spiders and ghosts. Very clever. Love you. Mom
- Sherry (Mother) on October 7, 2020
I love this picture son! You did an excellent job. Creative and very detailed. Love you! Mom