Kayla, Your underwater painting is so pretty! When I look at all the wonderful colors it makes me feel so good. Grandma
- on November 2, 2008
Kayla, I love your picture "bad hair day"! It's so cute and it makes me smile. Love, Grandma
- on May 4, 2008
Kalyla I love all of the colors you used and this is really cool. Love Mommy
- on May 4, 2008
Kayla, I love your art work. I like this the best because it's so bright and colorful. You have a very nice collection. I like them all!!! Love your cousin david
- on January 20, 2008
Kayla, I think your picture is beautiful. Love, Great Grandma
- on November 7, 2007
Kayla, We really like this picture, it's so happy looking! Grandpa and Grandma