Sarah2870's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Sarah2870's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Sarah, I love this "winter" picture. This is a beautiful!! I can't wait to hang it in the house. Keep up the good work. You are truly talented. I love you!! Mom
- on November 20, 2008
Sarah, This is your best one yet! Your talent is really growing. Love you, Nana
- on November 19, 2008
Sarah, Your art work is just beautiful. You really have talent with color and image. I love you Nana
- on November 19, 2008
Dear Sarah, this is a lovely picture !!!! All of your art is beautiful . I am a big fan . I cant wait for another ... I love you ... dad
- on November 19, 2008
Sarah, I love all the bright colors you used in your picture. You really have a talent for art. Keep up the good work. We love you very much, Nana and Pawpaw
- on November 19, 2008
All your artwork is very beautiful.keep up the good work.
- on November 19, 2008
Sarah, This picture is so lovely. I love all the beautiful colors you used. I want you to paint me one just like this one when you do your art work at the Gloster house. You are a wonderful painter. Love you lots and lots, Nana
- on November 19, 2008