Katelyn, What a great artist you are, I love the colors.
- Granny on December 8, 2023
Katelyn I love the kaboom. Colors are great. Papa
- Melvin on December 8, 2023
Katelyn, You have such a great artistic ability just like mom and dad. L love you you make these come alive on paper! Granny
- Dianne on December 8, 2023
Katelyn, I really like the blues in this piece of art you created. It is so pretty and I like blue too!! Granny
- Dianne on December 8, 2023
Katelyn, This is beautiful, your favorite color too. I like blue too. Granny
- Dianne on December 8, 2023
Katelyn, My goodness what a creative and colorful piece of art you did already. You are so talented with artistic gifts. Just like your mom and dad.
- Granny on December 8, 2023
Katie papa loves your artwork
- Melvin on December 8, 2023
Super job katie
- Melvin on April 5, 2023
Oh Katelyn, I love this art work. You are such a great artist. Granny
- Dianne on April 5, 2023
Katelyn I love your artwork love you papa
- Melvin on March 1, 2023
Katelyn I love your artwork love you papa
- Melvin on March 1, 2023
I love the latest piece of artwork you did. You are such a great artist.
- Granny on March 1, 2023
Katelyn, this is just the cutest piece of artwork. I love it. up the great work you do in art.
- Granny on March 1, 2023
Katelyn, You are an awesome artist. I love this turtle. Keep up the good work in art class. Granny
- Granny on March 1, 2023
Katelyn - I love your turtle! Love you! Aunt Alissa
- Aunt Alissa on March 1, 2023
Katelyn that is wonderful. I just love you an your art work papa
- Melvin on January 11, 2023
You are such a good artist Katelyn. I hope keep it up. Your dad was good at drawing too. And your mom is good with decorating. Love you so much!! Granny
- Dianne holzum on January 11, 2023
Katelyn, I like your artwork! Love, Aunt Alissa
- Aunt Alissa on January 4, 2023
I love this cute dancing giraffe Katelyn! You are such a good artist! Love, Mom
- Kendra (Mother) on November 29, 2022
Wow, this is beautiful Katelyn. I wish you were here to tell me all about it. I love those colors of blue and purple and I know you like them too. Keep up the good artwork. I love to see it. GRANNY
- Granny on May 10, 2022
Katelyn, Papa loves your artwork.
- Granny on April 20, 2022
Katelyn, I love your latest artwork.
- Granny on April 20, 2022
Beautiful colors.
- Granny on February 23, 2022
Oh, I really like this one too.
- Granny on February 23, 2022
I like these too.
- Granny on February 23, 2022
Katelyn, I just love the artwork that you did. You are a very good artist and color very nicely. You did an awesome job. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you and Brooklyn. Today you are 7 years old. Wow!!!!!
- Granny on February 23, 2022
That looks like Chase Katelyn! Nice work -dad
- Brian (Father) on February 8, 2022
Great job Katelyn! This looks like a robot!
- Aunt Alissa on February 1, 2022
Very pretty Katelyn! I like the heart and the colors! Love you! Aunt Alissa
- Aunt Alissa on January 14, 2022
What a great picture Katelyn. Love you melvin
- Melvin on November 30, 2021
Very pretty Katelyn!
- Aunt Alissa on November 30, 2021
I like the colors on this one Katie-Pooh!
- Brian (Father) on November 10, 2021
Katelyn, papa and granny loved your art work.
- Melvin(fan) on November 9, 2021
Katelyn, papa and granny loved your art work.
- Melvin(fan) on November 9, 2021
Pretty fish Katelyn!
- Alissa(fan) on November 9, 2021
Katelyn, I like this picture. The colors are pretty. Good job.
- Brian (Father) on November 8, 2021
I love this drawing Katelyn! I love you! Aunt Alissa
- Alissa(fan) on November 8, 2021
I love this Christmas tree drawing! Good job! Aunt Alissa is very proud of you!
- Alissa(fan) on November 8, 2021
A black cat! Katelyn, I like how you also wrote your name on this drawing!
- Alissa(fan) on November 8, 2021
Katelyn, this looks like a pretty castle. I love this drawing! You are so good at drawing!
- Alissa(fan) on November 8, 2021
Katelyn, I love your Rudolph drawing! It is so good! Love you! You should draw a picture for me so that I can put it on my refrigerator at my house!