Henry14005's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Henry14005's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Sunrise or sunset? anyway, a beautiful sun!
- Federico (Father) on May 2, 2023
Is already Christmass?
- Federico (Father) on May 2, 2023
Give me back my tablet!!!
- Federico (Father) on May 2, 2023
A sweet little cat!
- Federico (Father) on May 2, 2023
Great job Pompito!
- Federico (Father) on May 2, 2023
So cool!!
- Cecil on October 8, 2021
Wow Henry! Grandpa would love this. I’m sure he is looking down at this and smiling. He would be so proud of you!
- Cecil on October 8, 2021
Wow Henry! This is excellent work! I can see why Art is your favorite subject.
- Grandpa on October 8, 2021
Henry, the picture is beautiful. I love the colors you have chosen. Super duper job. Grandpa.
- Cecil on October 8, 2021
Henry, you are becoming a wonderful artist. I always enjoy your pictures. You have talent and imagination. Keep up the good work and listen for the teachers tips. Grandpa.
- Cecil on May 15, 2021
Henry, that's such a beautiful heart. I love the colors. You are a very talented artist. You did a great job designing it. Did you make that for someone special??
- Cecil on May 15, 2021
Way to go Henry. I love it. Good job!
- Grandma on May 15, 2021
It's very nice and quite artistic. Henry has a lot of talent!
- Cecil on May 15, 2021
It's very nice and quite artistic. Henry has a lot of talent!
- Cecil on May 15, 2021