Luke26696's Comments (82)

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Below are comments about Luke26696's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This looks yummy. I like the colors you used.
- Erin(fan) on May 29, 2024
This one is my favorite for the year. It reminds me of the pumpkin patch and hayride.
- Erin(fan) on May 29, 2024
This chameleon is so awesome! Well done!
- Erin(fan) on May 29, 2024
Neat flowers! Just in time for spring!
- Erin(fan) on May 29, 2024
Hi Lukey! Your poppys are exquisite! They kind of remind of the flowers on Anna Maria Island! Keep it up my little artiste! Love poppy and grandma
- Gramma on April 24, 2024
Awesome job on your self portrait. I love your smile :)
- Rosemary on April 3, 2024
Hi Luke - What a great portrait of you! I knew right away who it was. I really like the ships you made in the background. Keep up the great work!!!! Love you Auntie Donna
- Donna on April 3, 2024
Hi Luke, as soon as I looked at this picture I knew it was you! What a great job you did on the self portrait.. I don’t think I could’ve done it better myself! Very proud of you Luke! love poppy and grandma
- Poppy and Gramma on March 27, 2024
Hooty hoot ears!!! As Poppy would say! Lovin your owl..especially all the layers of feathers! Love poppy and grandma
- Gramma on December 20, 2023
Great job Luke!
- Aunt Coral on December 13, 2023
Hey Luke - I have to say, "I believe this is your BEST art work yet"!!! The pumpkin looks so real. Just fabulous colors. The way it all blends together seems like a glorious Autumn day. Awesome job Luke!!! Auntie Donna
- Donna on November 10, 2023
Hi Luke, Your pumpkin looks awesome! Thank you for sharing with us.
- Rosemary on November 10, 2023
Luke your pumpkin looks so real! I love the chalk colors that you used.. very impressive! you’re turning out to be such A wonderful artist! Love poppy and grandma
- Gramma and Poppy on November 1, 2023
Great job Luke this is really good!
- Aunt Coral on November 1, 2023
Hi Luke! Your Ming dynasty vase is gorgeous…looks like you worked really hard on it. I love how you drew the fish too the detail on it is superb!!
- Gramma on April 5, 2023
Hey Luke - Love this picture! The colorful flowers reminds me of Springtime. What a great job drawing the fish. Such detail in the scales. Looks so real. Surely he is enjoying a lovely swim!!! Another awesome job!! Love Auntie Donna
- Donna on April 5, 2023
YUUMMMMMM! I can almost taste the sweet frosting and sprinkles....but I wonder what kind of cupcake is it? Chocolate or vanilla? Or blueberry since it is in blue paper? Any flavor it is will be delicious! Love Rose
- Rose on April 5, 2023
Your vase looks beautiful! The flowers remind me of pretty spring flowers we will see soon.
- Rose on April 5, 2023
Hey Luke - Wow!!! That cupcake looks so yummy. What a great job with all the colors. This cupcake looks so real too. Makes me want to take it out of the picture and eat it!!! The sprinkles and cherry on top are my favorite!! Scrumptious! Love you - Aunt Donna
- Donna on March 22, 2023
Hi Lukey! What an absolutely delightful looking cupcake! So scrumptious and delectable…love to eat it right up!
- Poppy and grandma on March 22, 2023
Hi Luke! love your mask maybe we can saw a real one that you could wear for Halloween! Love Poppy and grandma
- Gramma and Poppy on March 15, 2023
This is so cool! Great job Luke!
- Aunt Coral on March 15, 2023
Great job Luke! I love looking at all your artwork. - Aunt Coral
- Aunt Coral on March 1, 2023
Hey Luke - Way cool picture! Looks like you are flying right over the ocean and those fish are looking right at you. Love the palm tree in the background. I think it would be so much fun to fly too! Just think of all the things you can see and places you can go. Always so proud of you!! Love you with all my heart, Auntie Donna
- Donna on March 1, 2023
Luke, I think this is probably my favorite picture that you Drew keep up the good work I’m gonna see if Mom can get this on a poster or something. Love, dad.
- Michael on February 15, 2023
Hi Luke! what a wonderful picture you drew… I always dream about flying, and I think I would like to fly to Florida with you also! Love Poppy and grandma
- Gramma and Poppy on February 15, 2023
Luke, I love this! Are those the Florida red snapper? The coconuts are cool too. Love, Mom
- Amber (Mother) on February 14, 2023
Hi Luke your mountains are wonderful, just in time for a ski season! I love the sky in the background too, it looks so sparkly! Love grandma and Poppy
- Grandma and Poppy on January 4, 2023
Hi Luke, your latest artwork is fabulous! It reminds me of Halloween, not too scary though! Love Poppy and grandma
- Gramma and Poppy on January 4, 2023
What beautiful colors Luke! Dominic and Ethan like looking at all of your artwork on here.
- Rosemary on November 30, 2022
Very unique pumpkin Luke! Love the shape! happy Halloween Love Poppy and grandma
- Poppy and grandma on November 16, 2022
Good morning Luke! poppy and I think your fall leaves are spectacular they are so light and wispy looks just like the leaves in our front yard! Happy Autumn Lukey!
- Gramma and Poppy on October 26, 2022
Great job Luke! Love, Aunt Coral
- Aunt Coral on October 26, 2022
Hi Luke - What a cool picture. I love all the colors and different designs. Fantastic job! Maybe you can make something for me to put on my desk at work. I love you with all my heart!
- Donna on September 29, 2022
Hi Lukey, Poppy and grandma really like your newest artwork! it actually reminds me of a pretty Christmas ornament! Looking forward to all your wonderful projects this year of second grade!
- Gramma and Poppy on September 29, 2022
Hi Luke, love the purple chameleon! I bet you were thinking of Spots when you were creating this little guy! Love Poppy and grandma
- Grandma and poppy on May 18, 2022
Oh I love the colors of this guy! So cool. Did you give him a name?
- Rose on May 6, 2022
Hi Luke! These ice cream cones look good enough to eat, just like the ones we make when you and Aubrey are over at grandma and pops house! YUMMY!
- Poppy and grandma on April 20, 2022
Hi Luke! Poppy and I love this sheep and reminds us of when we walk across the creek to see Ruby and her sheep friends! Actually it looks almost just like her! Maybe you were thinking about all the fun we have seeing her and going to visiting the farm!
- Gramma and Poppy on April 20, 2022
Hi Luke! what a wonderful turtle this is! maybe we will see some cool turtles on the beach in Florida! Love you Luke!
- Poppy and grandma on March 20, 2022
You look like a superhero!
- Rose on February 12, 2022
Hi Lukey! Poppy and grandma are really liking this artwork, I’m thinking maybe we need to get a couple quilt squares from Artsonia….then you and I can get on grandma‘s sewing machine and actually sew together a small quilt!
- Poppy and grandma on February 12, 2022
Hi Luke! What a glorious tiger this is! he looks friendly too, might like to join him in the jungle! Love poppy and grandma
- Poppy and grandma on December 30, 2021
Luke that tiger is awesome!! I love how he is coming out of the jungle leaves with his tail up like he is going to play, or maybe hunt something! Love Rose
- Rose on December 4, 2021
Luke that tiger is awesome that may be one of the best pictures you’ve done so far love dad
- Michael on December 4, 2021
Hi Luke! this is an impressive artwork, so creative! the red poppies really “pop”out of the picture! Love Poppy and Gramma
- Poppy and Gramma on November 22, 2021
Hi Luke! what a great cactus that is! Is that why you were asking me about the one on my jacket? it looks almost the same!! How cool is that! Love grandma And Poppy!
- Grandma and Poppy on November 22, 2021
What a pretty fall picture Luke! Love Rose
- Rose on November 22, 2021
Hi Lukey! another impressive artwork, makes poppy and I feel like a walk up in Valley view Woods! You are doing really good work Luke keep it up! Love grandma and poppy
- Grandma and poppy on October 20, 2021
I like the fall colors - great job Luke!
- Aunt Coral on October 20, 2021
Hey Luke - How cool is this picture!! Looks like a beautiful walk down a path on a fall day. Just love all the colors. You have an artistic talent for sure!!! Love you with all my heart Auntie Donna
- Donna on October 13, 2021
Hi Lukey, poppy and grandma really like your first first grade artwork! Wow how brightly colored it is! So very proud of you Lukey!
- Poppy and grandma on October 4, 2021
Hi Luke - I just love this picture! The design and colors are really cool!! Keep up the great work!!! Love you with all my heart
- Auntie Donna on October 4, 2021
Great job Luke! I really like it! Love, Aunt Coral
- Aunt Coral on October 4, 2021
Hi Luke, What a very cool balloon dog! If Elliot was yellow it would look just like him! Love poppy and grandma
- Grandma and Poppy on June 3, 2021
This is so awesome Luke! What a cool picture.
- Rose on June 3, 2021
Great job Luke!!! Love, Aunt Coral
- Aunt Coral on June 3, 2021
Hi Luke! it really does look like this giraffe is dancing! Maybe the ones in the zoo Will dance like this one also! Love Poppy and Grandma
- Poppy and grandma on June 3, 2021
Hi Luke! Wow your cupcake looks absolutely scrumptious! Can you believe poppy and I are in Arizona right now and we just came back from the cupcake store, seriously! and your cupcake looks every bit as delicious as the ones we bought, yours really looks good enough to eat! Love poppy and grandma
- Poppy and grandma on April 30, 2021
What a fun picture!!
- Rose on April 13, 2021
Hi Luke, I think this is our favorite picture so far! It looks like the beautiful flowers you and mommy plant in your flower bed outside! So proud of you sweetie! Love poppy and grandma
- Grandma on April 13, 2021
Hey Luke! poppy and I really like this picture! It looks like the letters are falling out of the tree just like daddy did! Ha ha, maybe you can draw a picture of that too!! Love poppy and grandma
- Grandma on April 13, 2021
Great work Luke! The letters are very well done. Love, Aunt Coral
- Aunt Coral on April 1, 2021
Hi Luke! Wow this artwork really “shaped” up to be stupendous! We’re sure you had a lot of fun making this one! Poppy and I are so proud of your artwork Luke!
- Grandma and Poppy on March 10, 2021
Hi Luke, what an amazing and colorful heart you made! One time Aubrey told me a heart means love and she is right! We love you Lukey!
- Grandma and Poppy on March 10, 2021
Hi Luke - I think this is the first time seeing your artwork. I absolutely love this one! The design and colors are really neat. I am so impressed and proud of you!! Thinking how nice it would look hanging up in my living room. Keep up the good work. I love you sooo....much!
- Donna on March 10, 2021
Great job Luke!
- Aunt Coral on February 6, 2021
Hi Luke! Wow this is absolutely amazing! Poppy and I think this is your best artwork ever, the colors just pop out and are so bright! We are so proud of you Luke, love poppy and gramma
- Poppy and Gramma on February 6, 2021
Hi Luke! Wow this is absolutely amazing! Poppy and I think this is your best artwork ever, the colors just pop out and are so bright! We are so proud of you Luke, love poppy and gramma
- Poppy and Gramma on February 6, 2021
Hi Luke! this is such a Lovely Christmas picture, it looks just like your Christmas tree here that you and Aubrey decorated. I also think this will make a pretty necklace for grandma!
- Grandma and poppy on December 10, 2020
This is so pretty Luke! Makes me excited for winter!
- Rose on December 2, 2020
Hi Luke! poppy and I really enjoy your starry starry night artwork! it reminds us of sleeping out under the stars! We will certainly have to do a sleep out In the tent next summer! way to go Luke!
- Poppy and grandma on December 2, 2020
Hi Luke, what a perfect Halloween pumpkin! Looks like he is ready for trick-or-treating! Love grandma and poppy
- Grandma and poppy on November 10, 2020
Hi Lukey! we really love your newest birch tree creation! The two colorful birds remind me of looking out my front window and seeing the birds in the birdfeeder. You are getting to be an awesome artist just like your sister! Love poppy and grandma
- Grandma and poppy on November 10, 2020
What an awesome pumpkin! He looks ready for Halloween!
- Rose on November 3, 2020
What a great pumpkin Luke - i love the big smile!! Love, aunt Coral
- Coral on October 27, 2020
Hi Luke, WOW, I think this is your first picture I am seeing from you. This is amazing! I love the colors. Looking forward to much more to come. So proud of you! Love You!
- Donna on October 14, 2020
So colorful Luke! Great job!!
- Rose on October 11, 2020
Hi Luke, poppy and I love your newest painted lines creation! Really like the bright orange and purple colors....Kinda reminds me of Halloween a little bit! Keep up the good work Luke! love poppy and grandma
- Poppy and grandma on October 11, 2020
Hi Lukey, way to go on your first School artwork! I think you will be as impressive as an artist as your sister Aubrey is! Poppy and I are very proud of you, love grandma and poppy
- Grandma and Poppy on September 30, 2020
Awesome job Luke!! Can’t wait to see more of your art this year! Love, Rose
- Rose(fan) on October 7, 2020
Great job Luke! Love, Aunt Coral
- Coral on October 7, 2020