Madden, I really liked your haunted house. You have such wonderful attention to detail, like the cracks in the walls of the house. I think you had fun drawing this one ??
- Lynne on December 1, 2021
Great job Madden!! Very spooky!
- Jennifer (Mother) on November 23, 2021
Madden, this is an amazing art project. I love the web background and the way that you drew the objects were so well done. I also loved your color choices. I think this is the best piece that you have done.??
- Lynne on June 9, 2021
Madden, your painting is wonderful! I am sure that Miss Jancsar showed your class a picture of Van Gogh’s painting. I love the way you made the pumpkins and grass have a little “starry” look to them too!
- Lynne on December 16, 2020
Madden, I really liked the bone letters. You did a great job matching up Skelly’s bones.
- Lynne on June 24, 2020
I really liked the action you showed in this picture, Madden. You have a great imagination!
- Lynne on May 27, 2020
Madden, your latest creation “ Poptarts lifting weights “ is wonderful! Not only is your drawing nicely done, but your sense of humor is great.
- Lynne on April 15, 2020
Madden , I really liked your drawing of the baseball game. My favorite part is the birds sitting on the scoreboard! Keep up the good work!??
- Lynne on April 15, 2020
Madden, I really liked your latest drawing. The shark looked very scary. You are really becoming very good at the kind of art they do in comic books. Keep up the good work ~grammy
- Lynne on April 3, 2020
Wow, Madden, now you are showing us that you can be a cartoonist! I loved your shark water-skiing ??
- Lynne on April 3, 2020
Madden, I really like the way you use the chalk pastels to give your drawing such an airy look. Very nice use of color.
- Lynne on January 1, 2020
Looks great, Madden!!!
- Maryn on November 21, 2019
Madden- I love the way you used color on your painting- it reminds me of the sky after a summer storm!?? -- Lynne