Hi Caty, Your snowflake snowman is very cute. Do you have a lot of snow there? A lot of our snow has melted, but there are still lots of big piles in some places. I can't wait for spring - I am sick of winter. I love you lots. Be good and work hard in school. Love, Nana
- on February 3, 2010
Hi Caty, I really like your bugs in the grass picture. I'm wondering what media you used to make it. I hope you are having a good winter. We have lots of snow on the ground here. Talk to you soon. Love, Nana
- on January 26, 2010
Hi Caty, Your puppet is adorable! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that your trip to Washington D.C. was also great. I love you. Nana
- on December 29, 2009
wow, Caty! That's some fancy weaving on your Indian corn. You did a great job. I'm looking forward to seeing you on Friday. Love, Nana
- on December 1, 2009
Hi Caty, Your alien blottos are pretty scary. I wouldn't want to run into any of them on the street! You are doing great artwork this year in second grade. Keep up the good work. I love you lots and will see you soon. Love, Nana
- on November 10, 2009
Hi Caty, Your Frankenstein monster is pretty SCARY! I hope you had a great Halloween and had fun trick or treating. What was your costume this year? I will be seeing you pretty soon. I love you lots. Love, Nana
- on November 3, 2009
Hi Caty, I love your leave picture! I especially like the pastel blue and pink background - two of my favorite colors. I bet you're getting excited for your birthday. I am looking forward to my visit. See you soon. Love, Nana
- on October 27, 2009
Hi Caty, I love your autumn tree with all it's lovely fall colors. I am looking forward to my visit for your pre-birthday celebration in December. Is there anything special you would like for a present? I love you lots. Nana
- on October 20, 2009
Hi Caty, I love your elephant picture! You are a great artist. I really had a good time on my visit with you. I wish it could have been longer. I hope you are helping out while your Mama is in Louisville this week. Have you made any muffins lately? The ones you made while I was there were delicious!! Talk to you soon. I love you lots. Love, Nana
- on September 14, 2009
Hi Caty - I love your latest picture. Thank you for giving me the "original" drawing. I had a great visit with you this week. I hope you liked swimming at my hotel pool. I hope we will get to talk on the phone or video chat soon. I love you lots. NANA
- on June 2, 2009
Hi Caty, I love your portrait of your Mom. It looks just like her! I hope you had a great Easter and that the Easter bunny brought you some goodies. I ate too much candy and got a belly ache. I love you lots. NANA
- on June 2, 2009
Hi Caty, I love your Heart animal. I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day. I had fun chatting with you on Friday. You really do look like a Jack-o-lantern with all those spaces in your mouth. (a cute one though - not a scary one.) Love, Nana
- on February 15, 2009
Hi Caty, I love your swimming turtle and all the little fishies. I made it the background on my computer at the library. I hope you get to read this message. Papa and I will see you on Friday. We HOPE to get there in time for your gymnastics class. If not, we'll see you at your house afterwards. Love, nana
- on February 15, 2009
Hi Caty, I love your beautiful PINK insect. It doesn't even look scary. (like spiders do!!) I hope you had a good Memorial Day weekend. THe weather was nice here - but kind of windy. Papa and I are looking forward to your visit in JULY - so is Abby! Saturday was Abby's 10th. birthday. We went out to dinner. Today is Chelsea's birthday. WOW! She's now 4 years old. I love you lots. Hugs and kisses, Love, Nana :)
- on May 28, 2008
Hi Caty, What a handsome sea turtle you made! He has such an interesting pattern on his shell. You are a great little artist! You must take after your Uncle Frank! Abby is looking forward to you visit in July. So are Papa and I. Be good. I love you lots. Love, Nana
- on May 7, 2008
Hi Caty, What a cute little pig! You are a very good artist. I enjoy seeing your artwork. I use it as the background on my computer screen at work. I'm the only one with a Caty original! Enjoy the nice spring weather. I know I am. I love you lots. Hugs and kisses, Nana :)
- on April 22, 2008
Hi Caty, I love your March Lion artwork! I'm so glad we are finally getting some April spring weather here. It should reach 70 today, but it's VERY WINDY. I hope you and Chelsea and your Mom and Daddy are all fine. I miss you. I love you lots. XX OO Love, Nana
- on April 17, 2008
Hi Caty, I really like your newest picture. I hope you had a good Easter and spring break. We still have LOTS of snow here, even though it is spring. I'm looking forward to your visit this summer. I love you lots. Love, Nana
- on March 26, 2008
Hi Caty, I LOVE your flower picture. I made it the background on the desktop of my computer at the library. It reminds me that spring is coming! It is starting to get just a little bit warmer here. I hope you have a nice spring time in New Jersey. I miss you. Love, kisses, and hugs, Nana XXOO XXOO XXOO
- on March 12, 2008
HI Caty, I love your self-portrait! It looks just like you. We are having LOTS of snow and COLD weather here in Wisconsin. I wish spring would hurry up and get here. I'm looking forward to your visit this summer. I hope you are liking kindergarten. I love you lots. Love, Nana
- on February 13, 2008
WOW! Caty, what a "cool" looking snowman!! He looks nice and warm in his hat and scarf. I bet you're getting excited for Christmas to get here. Papa and I love you lots and miss you lots. Hugs and smooches. Nana
- on December 18, 2007
Hi Caty, I really like this picture. I bet it was lots of fun working with REAL feathers. I hope you've had a chance to use your new easel to create some artwork at home. You are a great artist. Love, Nana
- on December 15, 2007
Hi Caty, I love your Acorn Person. What a nice smile! I hope you are having a wonderful time in kindergarten. Papa and I are looking forward to our trip to New Jersey to visit you for your birthday. Less than 3 weeks until we see you. I love you lots. Hugs and kisses, Nana
- on November 13, 2007
Hi Caty. I love your house picture made from a triangle and a square! The background you added is very lovely. You are a great artist. I hope you are learning lots in kindergarten. Have a Happy Halloween. Papa and I love you. Hugs and kisses, Nana
- on October 25, 2007
Papa and I love your caterpillar picture. Papa made it the background for his desktop on his computer!! I hope you are loving kindergarten and learning lots of new things. You are a wonderful artist. We love you. Love, Nana XXOOXXOO
- on October 3, 2007
HI Caty, What a scary Halloween picture you made! Thanks for sharing your artwork with me. I will be sure to check this site regularly. I love you. Nana