William36752's Comments (81)

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Below are comments about William36752's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You did a great job on that mask!
- Kyle (Father) on March 20, 2025 NEW
Such FUN COLORS Will! I got the Andy Warhol reference immediately, without even reading that was your intention! Great job!!
- Nana on March 20, 2025 NEW
Looks like this project required cutting and coloring! Beautiful design - it’s cool to be cutting and not know exactly what your design will look like til u unfold it! Love your color choices as usual Will. Is it water color, ink, marker…..?? Great job again
- Nana on December 11, 2024
This is a very Ghoulish picture Will!! Was not able to read about materials used or exact subject matter but the color choices and way the Ghoul’s arm takes up most of the picture is pretty scary looking-Perfect for Halloween Will!! Great Job Again!!!
- Nana on November 6, 2024
Beautiful Will! Your Grandpa Bill loved birch trees so this particular art project seems quite appropriate and special!! Love the soft sky colors and the way your color choices for the leaves indicate the different seasons!! Great Job!!
- Nana on October 16, 2024
William, You did a very nice job with the painting of the birch tree's.
- Cap on October 16, 2024
Very Cool color selection on this Will!!!! it reminds me of a kaleidoscope-I love it-Great Job-Again!!!!!
- Nana on July 3, 2024
I recognized the Keith Haring “look” of this Will!! I get the movement for sure and once again really like and appreciate your background color choice!!
- Nana on June 5, 2024
Great job on the action and movement with that guy!
- Kyle (Father) on May 29, 2024
I’m digging this little guy Will!!! You need to give him a name!!!! Your sewing stitches are better than mine!!! He’s very clever and whimsical! Great Job again!!
- Nana on May 29, 2024
I have to admit Will that I’ve never heard of a Color Wheel Zentagle before!! Very interesting! And Colorful!! You have created another AWESOME artwork!! Great Job Will!!!!!!
- Nana on April 10, 2024
What's this picture of? It looks like an over head view of something.
- Cap on April 10, 2024
This is LOVELY Will!! Beautiful!! Certainly reminds me of Monet and his masterpieces, his subject matter, his use of colors and textures to convey a feeling(s). Nicely done!!
- Nana on March 13, 2024
I am LOVING your snowman Will!! You most definitely captured how he’d look from a “bug’s perspective “-from “looking Up” at him!! I always love your color combinations and in particular this time I am LOVING the colors and style of his hat!!!!! Great job Will!!
- Nana on February 7, 2024
WOWOWOWOW Will!! You’ve done it Again!! Your 3D water lily is GORGEOUS! The colors, construction, details……it’s such a Beautiful flower and u should be very proud of this project!!
- Nana on January 10, 2024
You’ve done it again Will !! Very Cool pumpkin!! I read about the art lesson leading to this project and I think you did a great job!! just a little funny….before reading about it I thought I was looking at Pecans around the base of pumpkin !!!!!
- Nana on December 20, 2023
Is this a painting on paper Will? Hard to tell and I didn’t see a description of your assignment. Once again I Really like your design/composition, and your color choices!! Vibrant and eye-catching! What a creative artist you are !! Keep up the great work!! Nana
- Nana on November 29, 2023
I love the colors William! What a great job, im proud of how hard you work
- Beth (Mother) on November 14, 2023
Another very cool art piece Will! Always LOVE your color choices and they are particularly Bold this time ???? I saw a face right away -& then read this project is Picasso related-I See That! Great Job!!
- Nana on November 14, 2023
I really like the silly propeller hat on his head! Good job, bud! - Daddy
- Kyle (Father) on October 18, 2023
This guy is SO COOL Will! I wonder what the theme or assignment was…..self portrait maybe?!! I love your choice of colors-Always!! I think he’s just a very interesting character! GREAT JOB!!
- Nana on October 18, 2023
WILL! Your skeleton man blew me away!! Greg Too!!! You really are talented -incredibly so!!! Keep up the great, so creative and original artwork!! XO
- Nana on October 18, 2023
Hey Will! Another very cool picture!! I’m guessing this is another Australia inspired piece……love the colors and the symmetry of the two kangaroos……you are very creative and talented! I’m so glad I have the opportunity to see your artwork!!
- Nana on June 28, 2023
Hey Will, this piece is very interesting and has an Eerie-Cool vibe to it. I feel as though I am looking down on a shark swimming in a swirl of illuminated ocean water…..it feels a little menacing but also rather calm and peaceful. I like it A lot!!!! Well Done!!
- Nana on May 10, 2023
It looks very impressionistic! Great job! - Dad
- Kyle (Father) on May 9, 2023
Hey Will, I was looking at your new picture today. It looks like a fish and you seem to like to make pictures of fish. Why don't you come see me and we will go fishing with Ken sometime this spring.
- Cap on May 10, 2023
Hey Will! I dig this purple eyed fish!!!! once again your colors are Very Cool…..and your method of achieving depth and texture for this little guy is Right On! Wonderful job, again!!!!!!
- Nana on May 10, 2023
LOVING your lizard Will!!!! He is So Cool!???? I really enjoy reading about the lesson that leads to your creation- what inspires you and your interpretation of it! And I am CRAZY about your color combinations-in EVERY project you do! You have ALOT of natural artistic talent ??????
- Nana on March 8, 2023
Very Cool Will!! Once again you have Nailed it”!! The technique is interesting and eye-catching -I liked it so much I ordered a tumbler with this Emu design on it!!????????
- Nana on March 8, 2023
My Goodness Will!! You’ve done it AGAIN!! You’ve created Another Masterpiece ???? I can totally see the Van Gogh - ness in this piece-but it’s all you and your unique interpretation of the subject matter and your expression of the techniques used! BRAVO!!!
- Nana on January 18, 2023
This picture is one of my favorite pieces of art that you have made! Great job!
- Kyle (dad) on January 18, 2023
You continue to Amaze me William with your beautiful artwork!! I LOVE your sunflower picture! GREAT JOB!!????
- Nana on December 21, 2022
I am digging your snowman pic Will!! You are SO TALENTED!!????????
- Nana on December 21, 2022
Great job!!! - Dad
- Kyle (Father) on October 19, 2022
Will! You are Blowing my mind!! Your self portrait is Excellent-You are an Amazing Artist!!!!
- Nana on October 19, 2022
Great job on this guy, William! He looks like he would be a really fun stuffed animal to have in real life!
- Kyle (Father) on May 11, 2022
This is one of my favorite pieces of art you have made, William! That panda looks like he should be in his own book!
- Kyle (Father) on May 11, 2022
Will! This guy is very Whimsical!! Ask your mom or dad what whimsical means!!???? I love his features-nose, mouth, eyes and ears!! ??And the scarf and cap are Awesome……you are a really clever and talented artist!!
- Nana on May 11, 2022
This drawing is ADORABLE Will!! A panda in a bamboo forest…….LOVE your attention to detail…….I have Never been able to draw as well as You! I am jealous and Very Impressed with your talent!!
- Nana on May 11, 2022
Once again Will I have to tell you that I Love your color choices and combinations!! I don’t see a Title for this piece……not sure why it’s been rolled or curved…..makes me think of a decorative cylinder you could put around a candle(with a Battery operated tea light of course!!!) I’d like to ask you about this drawing…..it’s Very Cool!!??????
- Nana on May 11, 2022
I love this project! You did a great job!
- Beth (Mother) on March 15, 2022
Very cool bowl Will!! Is this a rice bowl?? Perfect size???? You are experimenting with different mediums-painting, drawing, working with clay….I’m interested in knowing what you like the best????And why!! Another Great Job!!!
- Nana on March 15, 2022
I’m digging your blue fish Will!! Did u paint it free hand or use some other technique?? It’s AWESOME! I really enjoy seeing all of your amazing artwork! Keep up the excellent work!! XO
- Nana on March 15, 2022
He looks scary but friendly all at the same time! You did a really good job with his face and his scales!
- Kyle (Father) on January 19, 2022
Those are great Christmas gloves! Great job!
- Kyle (Father) on January 19, 2022
Will I knew what this was even before I read the description!! Very Clever!! You have such a great Artist’s eye!! This is another Very Clever piece by you ??????
- Nana on January 19, 2022
This is so interesting Will! I’d like to ask u about it……it has something to do with snowflakes??!! I think it’s AWESOME!! Great job Will!!????
- Nana on January 19, 2022
Will this picture is AWESOME ?????? ?? You continue to impress me! You are a Great Artist!!!
- Nana on January 19, 2022
WOW!! You Nailed this Will!! It looks just like a Matisse???? Great job!!!
- Nana on January 19, 2022
Cool shapes and colors William!! I am so looking forward to seeing your artwork this year!!!??????
- Nana on January 19, 2022
Love the shapes William! I’m so glad you are enjoying art class this year.
- Beth (Mother) on September 28, 2021
WOW!! You’ve done it Again Will!! Edward the Emu is AWESOME!! Love all your color combinations…..you really are quite the Artist!!!
- Nana on January 19, 2022
The big marble eyes,large jaws,big sharp teeth and scales!!!! Wow! Your drawing got all the crocodile features just right! Your croc looks happy and friendly but don’t get too close!!
- Aunt Pat on January 19, 2022
I love all the bright different colors in the flower!! ......and the purple background makes the flower pop out!! I wish I could plant the beautiful flower in my garden!!
- Aunt Pat on June 2, 2021
Once again Will you have created an AMAZING picture!!! I love all The bright colors !! You are such a talented artist!!!
- Nana on June 2, 2021
Will ! You are blowing my mind with your artistic talent!! This sheep picture is AWESOME! You did so great with all the concepts the teacher talked to you about, the horizon line, the texture of the sheep????and I Love all your details: the texture of the grass, the sun and sky in the background! You are an A M A Z I N G. ARTIST!! Keep up the great work!!
- Nana on June 1, 2021
ANOTHER GREAT picture Will!! You are so good with color and color combinations.....Love this fish! Well Done young artist!! ????
- Nana on June 1, 2021
I love the great detail of your works!! Your colorful, cute caterpillar looks so real! I can see it turning into a beautiful butterfly!!
- Aunt Pat on June 1, 2021
Will! You did an AMAZING JOB on this caterpillar!! Looks so much like the one from the book, but even COOLER!! I LOVE IT!!!
- Nana on June 1, 2021
William, YaYa nd I liked your Easter egg.
- Cap on April 7, 2021
The prettiest egg in the Easter basket!! I love how you used different fun designs and mixed colors in every row ! Great job!
- Aunt Pat on April 7, 2021
I really like how you mixed all the different colors inside the mice! Isn’t it amazing colors can look so different when mixed with other colors!....... great job William!
- Pat on March 31, 2021
Your patterned Egg is Awesome Will!! Once again you’ve done a beautiful job of combining colors!! Keep up the Cool work!!
- Nana on March 31, 2021
Will, Which one is YaYa?
- Cap on March 31, 2021
3 adorable mice! So Colorful Will, I Love them all?? Great job!!
- Nana on March 31, 2021
This is an AMAZING HEART Will!! Love all the colors and the cool design........u r SO talented ??????
- Nana on March 3, 2021
Another awesome drawing!!! I love how you used the different colors and squiggly lines inside the perfect valentine !! Good job and very creative!!
- Aunt Pat on March 3, 2021
I love your heart William. You did a great job making all the different types of lines!
- Beth (Mother) on February 23, 2021
William, this is my favorite picture yet! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
- Yaya on December 23, 2020
William! The best snowman ever! I can see it took a lot of work cutting out all the pieces to make him just perfect. I especially like the bright colors you chose for the thick,cuddly scarf!! Great job!!
- Aunt Pat on December 23, 2020
Will, I LOVE THIS SNOWMAN?????? So Cool!! He needs to be on my Art Wall??
- Nana on December 14, 2020
Will!! This Leafman is Totally Cool!! Love your creativity ?? I think it’s my new favorite ?????? Cant wait to see what your next project is?? Have Fun , Art is such a great way to express yourself!!
- Nana on November 4, 2020
The cutest leaf man ever!! I bet you had fun hunting for the leaves and choosing just the right colors to create the little man. You are quite the artist!!!
- Aunt Pat on November 4, 2020
I love you leaf man! You did a great job collecting leaves and gluing your person together. Watching you make projects like this is truly special!! You are a wondering artist!
- Beth (Mother) on October 29, 2020
William, Nice rainbow. Who's that at both ends of your rainbow with the happy faces.
- Cap on October 26, 2020
Will! This rainbow you colored is Beautiful!! My favorite part are the clouds!!!??????
- Cindy on October 21, 2020
Another beautiful picture!! The rainbow is awesome and reminds me of the rainbow painted on your window!!
- Aunt Pat on October 21, 2020
Very nice picture William. Is that YaYa after she gets up in the morning?
- Cap on October 11, 2020
Is that Sponge Bob?? He’s looking good; you did a great job!
- Yaya on October 7, 2020
Good job William!! I can see you put a lot of thought and work into your drawing! Looking at his happy face with googly eyes and cute smile made me smile too! Coloring him yellow is such a happy color and brightened my day! I think i’ll Pick him up by his cute little arms and give him a hug!! Keep up the good work
- Aunt Pat on October 7, 2020
Will! You are a Natural very creative Artist!! Can’t wait to see more of your artwork!!!
- Nana(fan) on October 1, 2020