lizzie, That looks realy fun. I don't know how you make it look so real. I like the ceiling lamp. Great job!
- Grandma at the lake on February 26, 2025
Lizzie, I really like the colors in this one. I like the different shades of green and blue for the water. And then the yellow, orange, black and pink really contrast well. Congrats on a cool piece of art. Love, Grandpa by the lake
- Mark on November 6, 2024
Lizzie, I remember seeing this at your house. I think it is cool. How did your get the shape like this? Did you use your own face and head? It looks like a fun project. Did everyone in class make a dog or an animal face? Or were other shapes made? Is this paper mache? Love, Grandpa by the lake
- Mark on November 6, 2024
I love your fish. It looks very cool!
- Grandma at the lake on October 9, 2024
Lizzie, Your puppy is so cute! I love its eyes. So pretty.
- Grandma at the lake on October 9, 2024
Those look just like bubbles! I like bubbles in the summer
- Grandma at the lake on May 15, 2024
This is really cool looking!!
- Grandma at the lake on May 8, 2024
Are you doing weaving?
- Grandma at the lake on May 8, 2024
This is nice and Springy!!
- Grandma at the lake on May 8, 2024
That is a beautiful garden!!
- Grandma at the lake on May 1, 2024
Such pretty flowers! Great job!
- Grandma at the lake on March 27, 2024
Lizzie, I love how you used these colors and shapes. Very unique ! Beautiful!
- Grandma at the lake on March 13, 2024
Happy Valentine’sDay! Nice heart
- Grandma R on February 21, 2024
Sooo cute!!
- Grandma at the lake on February 21, 2024
I love all the colors you used!!
- Grandma at the lake on February 21, 2024
Cute little crab!
- Grandma at the lake on January 25, 2024
What a cute kitty. I can't see how this is made. I'm very curious.
- Aunt Maggie on January 25, 2024
Very cute little guy! Is that origami? Very fancy!
- Aunt Maggie on January 25, 2024
Lizzie, I like your red bird. Is it a Cardinal? A very cute bird!
- Grandma at the Lake on January 3, 2024
A very nice rainbow bear!
- Grandma at the lake on December 6, 2023
Cute robot!!
- Grandma at the lake on December 6, 2023
Very nice sun catcher!
- Grandma at the lake on December 6, 2023
Ok. I would like to learn how you made this! I can't figure out if you used a marker, paint, or a computer maybe? Very interesting.
- Aunt Maggie on November 8, 2023
Well, that was very cool. I first couldn't figure it out. Then I read what it is. I really like it!
- Grandma at the lake on October 18, 2023
Look at all those colors! You captured all the colors that a mountain has. Great job!!
- Grandma at the lake on October 4, 2023
You could paint your pumpkin this year!
- Grandma at the lake on October 4, 2023
This would make nice Christmas cards!!
- Grandma at the lake on October 4, 2023
I really think your cat is cute.
- Grandma at the lake on October 4, 2023
Lizzie, you are already a better artist than me. I especially like how even the two sides are. Love, Grandpa by the lake
- Mark on April 26, 2023
Lizzie, I think your butterfly is beautiful! I love the colors and the different shapes! If I were to name her...I would call her Lovey.
- Grandma at the lake on April 26, 2023
Super cute owl! Such creativity! :)
- Aunt Jessie on December 7, 2022
Tower of cups! Neat idea for a picture, great colors too! Nice job Lizzie :)
- Aunt Jessie on December 7, 2022
Wow!! What beautiful colors!! I love it.
- Grandma at the lake on November 16, 2022
Lizzie, I really like your owl. Especially the way it is looking around. And cool colors. Love, Grandpa by the lake.
- Mark on November 2, 2022
Lizzie, Your Owl weaving makes me smile! Live
- Grandma by the lake on November 2, 2022
Lizzie, I like your ice cream collage. Looks delicious!
- Grandma at the lake on September 28, 2022
Maybe I told you before, but I LOVE this painting.
- Grandma at the lake on September 7, 2022
Lizzie, I like your mosaic cut paper design. Lots of really cool colors and shapes!
- Grandma at the lake on September 7, 2022
Is this painted? Water colors? It looks very cool. This is one of my favorites.
- Aunt Maggie on September 7, 2022
Aaaaww, this is really cute!
- Aunt Maggie on September 7, 2022
Love all these different shapes and different colors. Very modern and pretty.
- Aunt Maggie on September 7, 2022
Lizzie, I love your tulips. I want some in my yard! Love you too!
- Grandma at the lake on May 11, 2022
I think this one is very interesting, and mysterious to me. I can't tell how this is made. Is it paint? Were there sponges? The name of the piece says it's a monoprint. What is a monoprint?
- Aunt Maggie on March 16, 2022
What a cute polar bear!
- Grandma at the lake on March 16, 2022
Lizzie, This is really cool. I didn't get to do clay projects when I was in first grade. You must have a really cool school and teacher. I think it looks great. Love, Grandpa by the Lake
- Mark on March 16, 2022
Lizzie, I love these colors. My favorite color is purple...but I like the pink and the blue that you used in this too. This looked like a fun are project. love,
- Grandma at the lake on March 9, 2022
Lizzie, this is just so cool!
- Mark on February 16, 2022
WOW. This is very colorful and very pretty. I love all the little chunks of colors across the entire picture, contrasted with the black heart shape. Very cool.
- Aunt Maggie on February 16, 2022
Love all the colors!!!
- Grandma at the lake on February 7, 2022
Lizzie, I really like your snowman. He looks very festive.
- Grandma at the lake on December 15, 2021
Lizzie, I really like your snowman. He looks very festive.
Very creative robot! I want to be its friend! Love, Aunt Jessie :)
- Jessie on December 8, 2021
I know I told you before, but I really like this cute little guy. I want a sweater like that. It is so colorful.
- Grandma at the lake on November 24, 2021
Lizzie, I think your trees are so much fun. I saw trees like them today. Very pretty!! Love you,
- Grandma at the lake on October 27, 2021
Love those fall tree colors! It reminds me of the trees in Minong right now.
- Aunt Maggie on October 27, 2021
Lizzie, I think these are very fancy flowers!!
- Grandma at the lake on October 20, 2021
That boat could go on my lake!
- Grandma at the lake on October 20, 2021
Hey! I like this pumpkin! Do you think you will carve it?
- Grandma at the lake on October 20, 2021
Lizzie, I think your robot is very clever looking. Does it have a name? Love,
- Grandma at the lake on October 20, 2021
What a pretty pumpkin! This pumpkin makes me excited about the fall and for Halloween!
- Aunt Maggie on October 20, 2021
I really loved this colorful Robot and appreciate the hard work that went into cutting out all these shapes!
- Aunt Maggie on October 20, 2021
Hey! very nice sailboat on the waves. I think it is very clever.
- Grandma at the lake on September 9, 2021
Lizzie, I like your flowers. I think using all the different colors and straight lines is very clever.
- Grandma at the lake on September 9, 2021
Your city is very pretty!
- Grandma at the Lake on April 21, 2021
Lizzie, I like your self portrait. Looks like you are singing. Love you!
- Grandma at the Lake on April 21, 2021
I want to live in your rainbow city. It’s beautiful!
- Grandma at the lake on April 7, 2021
Kiddie, I like your picture. It looks like I would like to visit. Love, Grandpa visiting in Florida
- Mark on March 17, 2021
I love this town! To me, it looks like something from maybe Star Wars. Very cool.
- Aunt Maggie on March 17, 2021
Lizzie, I love your fancy village. I think I want to live there. I like the pond in front.
- grandma at the Lake on March 17, 2021
Such a cute princess! She looks very happy. Love, Grandma at the lake
- Grandma at the lake on March 3, 2021
This looks very fancy, Lizzie. I like all the textures! ?? grandma at the lake
- Grandma at the lake on March 3, 2021
WOW. I love dragons. I love green. This picture is the BEST! And I think Azzy's teeth and horns are cute. :)
- Aunt Maggie on February 17, 2021
WOW. I love dragons. I love green. This picture is the BEST! And I think Azzy's teeth and horns are cute. :)
- Aunt Maggie on February 17, 2021
Azzy looks really friendly! And since she is green, Aunt Maggie will really like her a lot. Love,
- Grandma at the lake on February 10, 2021
Lizzie, I see a lot of numbers, which is cool. But this makes me think music too. Were you thinking about music while you did this? Love, Grandpa by the Lake
- Mark on February 10, 2021
Wow. This is a fun one. I'll try to guess a few of the things. Birthday Cake. Riding the torpedo at the lake. Rainbows and sunshine. And I'm having troubles with some of the things at the bottom. You let me know.
- Aunt Maggie on February 10, 2021
Lizzie, I love your "My Favorite Things". It looks like a story that you need to tell me. I can't wait to hear all about it. You are such a good artist! Love you!
- Grandma at the lake on February 7, 2021
This drawing sure is Crazy!! I see an 8...a Crazy 8...makes me think we should play Crazy 8s sometime. Lizzie, I like the way you use colors.
- Grandma at the lake on February 3, 2021
Lizzie!! I love your scarecrow. It is perfect for a farmer's field. It is so cute, I think if I was a bird, I would like to sit on her hat and enjoy the view. It reminds me of the scarecrow in the Wizard of OZ. Love it! And YOU!
- Grandma at the lake on November 18, 2020
Lizzie, I like your outer space drawing. It has lots of planets and the sun and I think I see a rocket. I also see a person. Is she an astronaut? I like that everything is moving. Nicely done!!
- Grandma at the lake on November 18, 2020
What a cool scarecrow. Or is it a doll? I can't tell how big it is.
- Mark on November 12, 2020
Lizzie, this just looks like fun to me and makes me happy.
- Mark on November 12, 2020
Lizzie, Your pumpkins look so happy! Are they singing a song? Love, Grandma at the Lake
- Grandma at the Lake on October 21, 2020
This is a very cute mommy pumpkin with baby pumpkins, or at least that's what I think it is. But one of my favorite things is the singing crow in the background! Wonderful fall art!
- Margaret on October 21, 2020
Did you name this Uni? I like it. Love, Grandpa by the lake.
- Mark on October 7, 2020
I like it all hut I especially like the fish jumping out of the water. Love, Grandpa by the lake.
- Mark on October 7, 2020
Lizzie, I like Uni. She looks like a happy surfer. Weeeee! Love, Grandma by the Lake
- Grandma at the Lake on October 7, 2020
"Uni the surfer ??" Is such an interesting title. I want more information about the question marks and maybe what other titles were being considered. I am wondering if this is a unicorn, or maybe some other mystical creature? I love the sky and unique dark clouds and different kinds of rainbows. It shows a lot of thought and I think demonstrates this artist's skills at world building.
- Aunt Maggie on October 7, 2020
Lizzie, I like your drawing. It looks like the fish are having a great time on a sunny day. I like the colors you used. Very nice job. When you have a chance, you can explain it all to me. I always like your clever ideas. Love, Grandma at the lake
- Grandma at the lake on October 7, 2020
Lizzie, That is so cool. I want to hear your story about the art. I could tell you my own story about what I see in the art. So many ideas. Love, Grandpa by the lake
- Grandpa by the lake on September 23, 2020
Lizzie, So many colors. I’ve been looking at your picture a lot. I would like you to tell me all about it. I’m sure there is a wonderful story. Love you!
- Grandma at the Lake on September 23, 2020
I love how colorful this one is, and how the art takes up the whole page with a ton going on - sunshine, rainbows, rain clouds, flowers, and more! Very pretty.
- Aunt Maggie on September 16, 2020
Hey Lizzie, I really like this. The rainbow, the colors, the flowers and of course, the drawing of you really makes me think about you. Love, Grandpa by the lake.
- Mark(fan) on September 16, 2020
Beautiful just like you! I love all the details.
- Grandma R(fan) on September 10, 2020
Lizzie, I love your self portrait! It makes me smile. You are such a good artist. I especially like how your portrait is so colorful.