Aspen1407's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Aspen1407's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love love this piece of artwork! You created a beautiful picture. I love it so much that I ordered a mug with this picture on it. Keep up the good work Aspen!
- Grandma Kay on May 4, 2022
Hi Aspen - I love this picture and am thinking about buying it for our home in Oregon! Keep up the good work. I enjoy looking at them.
- Kay(fan) on April 27, 2022
Hey Aspen - I loved this one so much that I have a cup with this artwork on it.
- Grandma Kay on March 2, 2022
Hi Aspen - When I saw this picture I became very hungry! You created a beautiful picture. Keep up the good work. We love you!!
- Gramma on March 2, 2022
You artwork is gorgeous and looks so Christmasy! Keep up the good work Aspen!
- Grandma Kay on December 30, 2021
Your drawing of the snowglobe is beautiful! It reminds me of the one you got for Christmas last year. Keep up the good work! I love you. Gramma Kay
- Grandma Kay on December 30, 2021
Hi Aspen! I love love love this gingerbread girl you made. She is adorable. You did a fantastic job. I love you!
- Grandma Kay on December 30, 2021
This deer showed you symmetry didn't it? You did a beautiful job creating it. Keep up the good work - you're a very good student. I love you.
- Grandma Kay on November 17, 2021
Beautiful picture of love! Keep up the good work. I love you!
- Grandma Kay on November 17, 2021
Hi Aspen - I love looking at your artwork because you are so good at it. Look at how perfect those scissors are! Keep up the good work - I want to see more! I love you Aspen
- Grandma Kay on November 17, 2021
This picture looks so happy and colorful! It makes me feel happy. I love you Aspen.
- Kay(fan) on December 16, 2020
I love this picture you drew Aspen. It's beautiful! Grandma Kay
- Kay(fan) on December 16, 2020
I love it Aspen!
- Nathan (Father) on November 30, 2020