Alexander30348's Comments (24)

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Below are comments about Alexander30348's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Beautiful flowers Alex !
- Mimi on May 18, 2022
Beautiful flowers Alex.
- Jan on May 11, 2022
I love how you added texture to the table. A beautiful piece of art! love mom
- Louise (Mother) on May 10, 2022
Dinosaurs in space?! Very cool!
- Dad on March 16, 2022
Space Dinosaur is Very Super Cool!
- Louise (Mother) on March 15, 2022
I like your planets and the dinosaur. Good drawing Alex
- Jan on March 15, 2022
Love that Lorax Beep ! Great job ??
- Mimi on March 9, 2022
What an awesome Lorax :D
- Mom on March 3, 2022
This looks like a huge dinosaur. Which one is it. Well done Alex.
- Janet on March 3, 2022
Beep! This is the coolest caterpillar I have ever seen. Good job!
- Mom on March 3, 2022
That fruit looks so delicious. Lovely bright colours. Well done Alex
- Jan on February 9, 2022
Hi Beeps! This is so cool! Well done. Love mom.
- Louise on February 9, 2022
Beautiful Christmas decorations!
- Jan on December 22, 2021
I love this picture! What a beautiful world inside the globe!
- Louise (Mother) on December 15, 2021
Good job Beep !
- Mimi on December 15, 2021
I really like your Gingerbreadman. He looks so happy.
- Jan on December 1, 2021
What a beautiful drawing Alex.
- Jan on November 24, 2021
Are these the Halloween masks. They are scary looking! Well done Alex
- Jan on November 10, 2021
Alex, I love the reds and blues!
- Louise (Mother) on November 9, 2021
I love how colorful this is! Good job, Alex
- Louise (Mother) on October 26, 2021
Great job Alex ! Love it ??
- Mimi(fan) on October 7, 2020
What a lovely painting.
- Jan(fan) on October 7, 2020
That’s a lovely picture. Looks like a forest and the sea
- Jan(fan) on October 7, 2020
Wow Beeps! It is beautiful. I can’t wait to see it!
- Louise (Mother) on October 5, 2020