What an amazing job, excellent straight lines and creativity!
- Emily (Mother) on September 20, 2022
Very,detailed and creative Austin! I love your art work!
- Emily (Mother) on April 2, 2022
Okay! You did an outstanding job of demonstrating a snowy day through art! I feel as if Im your Cardinal stuck in a snow storm! Just Great Austin! Im proud of you!
- Emily (Mother) on March 11, 2022
This is very unique and one of a kind wonderful quality on this Art piece!
- Emily (Mother) on March 11, 2022
I love the beautiful colors you chosen for your tree color's Austin! Your such an Amazing artist and Great at anything you practice at! Keep up your great work!
- Emily (Mother) on March 11, 2022
Love this picture
- #1grandma on March 11, 2022
great artwork love the colors
- #1grandpa on March 11, 2022
Very colorful fish love it. Keep up the good work
- #1grandpa on March 11, 2022
I like your Rainbow fish,
- Emily (Mother) on November 14, 2021
Austin what a ?? Cool Creative Frankenstein! You did an Awesome job. Love Mom
- Emily (Mother) on November 9, 2021
You did a beautiful , creative job on your llama Austin, Mommy loves it!
- Emily (Mother) on October 13, 2021
Very good job love the colors
- Grandpa Brown on October 13, 2021
That look like grandpa and uncle. Keep it all in the family
- Grandma Brown on October 13, 2021
We love this picture so detailed. Good job grandson.
- Grandma Brown on October 13, 2021
I like all the different colors you used Austin!
- Emily (Mother) on September 30, 2021
How creative, i loved that you used newspaper and made such an adorable kitty
- Emily (Mother) on September 30, 2021
Mommy loves this Austin
- Emily (Mother) on September 30, 2021
Keep it up Austin!!! Great Job!!! Grandpa and Grandma
- #1grandpa on September 30, 2021
Mommy is proud of how hard you worked on this art project. Amazing job!
- Emily (Mother) on May 19, 2021
Great Job!!!!! Keep it Up!!!!!
- #1grandpa on May 19, 2021
That is such a great heart just like your real heart. Grandma Brown love it. You are the artist in the family.
- Rene on April 20, 2021
Grandpa love this art work Austin. Good job
- Travis Sr. on April 20, 2021
Austin Mommy Love's your creativity ,and your hard work you put into this art pry. I can truly feel the love in this Art piece! Awesome job Son!
- Emily (Mother) on March 10, 2021
Love your bird. Great Job
- Grandma Brown on March 10, 2021
keep up the good work. Love you
- #1grandpa on March 10, 2021
Grandma Brown love your snowman. Grandma need that scarf.
- grandma Brown on March 10, 2021
Good job Austin. We have an artist in the family.
- #1grandpa on March 10, 2021
Great job Austin
- #1 Grandpa on January 2, 2021
Way to go Austin.
- #1 Grandpa on January 2, 2021
Good job Austin.
- #1 Grandpa on January 2, 2021
Grandma love your art work. Keep up the good job.
- Grandma Brown on January 2, 2021
Grandpa is very proud of your art work Austin. Love it Love it
- #1grandpa on January 2, 2021
Great Job Austin!! Grandpa! Keep Up The Good Work Austin Love you! Grandma!!!
- Travis on January 2, 2021
Nice Nice keep up the good work Austin
- Grandpa Brown on December 9, 2020
Great job Austin I love it. Grandma Brown
- Grandma Brown on December 9, 2020
Austin this is great work! I know your an artist. I'm proud of you keep up your wonderful creativity.
- Emily (Mother) on November 10, 2020
Good Job!!!!Keep up the good work!!!
- #1grandpa on November 10, 2020
Your rainbow is so nearly colored. I love the bright colors. Great job Austin!
- Emily (Mother) on October 28, 2020
This is the best pumpkin ever, wonderful job following instructions on using oil painting.
- Emily (Mother) on October 28, 2020
Good Job. Keep up the good work
- Travis on October 28, 2020
WOW Austin good job
- Rene on October 28, 2020
I love your art work. Keep up the good job.
- Rene on October 28, 2020
Austin, Great Job!!!!! Keep it up! Grandma and Grandpa!
- Travis Sr. on October 28, 2020
Austin Wow you wrote your name so good! Remember to always put your other letters after your A.
- Mommy on October 12, 2020
Austin, Mommy loves your picture you drew of yourself.I hope you can tell me more about your picture! Great job!
- Mommy on October 12, 2020
The details you put on your butterfly are beautiful.
- Mommy on September 30, 2020
I like how you made your bird your favorite color! Looks good.
- Mommy on September 30, 2020
Austin, this is a really cool bird. I like the colors you used to express your creativity. What would you name your bird?
- Mommy on September 30, 2020
Austin, Mommy loves your art work. You are very creative and a good Artist. Keep loving Art! I want to see more Awesome artwork.