GARRETT798's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about GARRETT798's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Garrett, this is a beautiful house. You did a fantastic job!!!! Miss you bunches! Love you. Aunt Kimmie.
- on January 13, 2009
GREAT job Garrett~ I love them all but this one is my favorite. =) Regina
- on January 13, 2009
Wow Garrett, this is really awesome! I love those colors! You did a great job! Love, Jody
- on October 16, 2008
Lovely art work. I'm happy to be an artist's fan! Excellent!!! Susie
- on March 2, 2008
That is a beautiful flower. Do you think we can grow some like that in front of Granma's house? We can try as soon as it gets warm. Love YOU! Granma
- on March 2, 2008
Very nice Garrette! What a great job. Love you bunches, Aunt Kim
- on March 2, 2008
Hey Garrett, this is really really cool! You are a great artist. Love, Jody
- on February 27, 2008
Garrett, I think I like your snowman the best. It reminds me of the snowman your mom tried to make out of snow one year when she was about 5 years old. I think you are doing a GREAT job. You go may Man!!!! Aunt Jeannie
- on December 17, 2007
Dear Garrett: I love this picture. It has a lot of interesting things to look at. Keep up the good work Lee
- on December 17, 2007
Hey Garrett - these are great photos! Thanks for sharing them with me. Love, Jody
- on December 17, 2007
Garrett, I love your pictures they are cool. I hope you are enjoying school. I miss you!
- on December 17, 2007
Good Work Garrett!! Mommy loves your art work
- on December 17, 2007
Hey Garrett....I love your pictures. I hope to see you & Gracie real soon. Love, Jody
- on November 11, 2007