Brody9314's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about Brody9314's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Good job Brody. It looks just like RaeRae.
- PaPa on November 22, 2023
Love this one Bro. So cool.
- Michael (Father) on September 19, 2023
Wow! Look at that scary dragon eye! I love all the colors you used to make it. I think I'm going to buy another coffee mug! Love you always, Grandma Purple.
- Nancy on April 5, 2023
Every picture you do just gets better and better! Thanks for sharing with me! I love you to the moon! Grandma purple
- Nancy on April 5, 2023
This looks like a real cool house. Wouldn't it be fun to go trick or treating there? I think they give out good candy!
- Grandma Purple on December 7, 2022
I love this picture. I see it every morning on my coffee mug.
- Grandma Purple on December 7, 2022
This is the cutest snowman!
- Grandma Purple on December 7, 2022
I always love looking at your artwork! You are such a talent! Grandma purple loves you always!
- Nancy on November 9, 2022
Love the “birdie with the lipstick”As your dad called them when he was little! The birch trees look like your backyard tree! You did such a great job I’m going to get a mug! Love you so much Grandma purple
- Nancy on November 9, 2022
Brody- The best picture ever! You are such a great artist! Love you so much.
- Grandma Purple on February 23, 2022
This is so cool Brody! I can see you used a scissors all by yourself! Keep up the good work at school- I love you! Grandma Purple
- nancy on February 23, 2022
Brody, This is your best yet! I especially love the purple!
- Grandma Purple on February 23, 2022
You are getting better each time you draw. looks great! keep up the good work.
- Jack on March 17, 2021
I just love your self-portrait, Brody! You are an amazing artist! Love, Ray-Ray
- Faye on March 15, 2021
This is a great self portrait! I can see your big smile!! Great job Brody
- Grandma Purple on March 15, 2021
I love this aquarium picture! The fish look happy!
- Grandma Purple on March 15, 2021
WOW! You are really getting good at your artwork! I am very proud of what you have done. Keep up the good work!
- Grampa Jack on March 10, 2021
Best yet Brodie. Goos job. See you on Saturday.
- Richard on March 2, 2021
I love this picture too! Beautiful colors! Great job Brody!??
- Nancy on March 2, 2021
This is so cool, I love it! looks so real and the fishes look happy. Very proud of your work. Keep making them and thanks for sharing this with me.It means a lot that you thought of me. Love You, Grmapa Jack
- grampa jack on March 2, 2021
Very talented. Good job. You should teach Ave how to make pictures.
- PaPa on March 2, 2021
My sweet Brody I love this picture so much! I am going to get a coffee mug with this picture so I can see it every morning with my coffee! I love you so much. Grandma Purple
- Nancy on February 25, 2021
Brody--that was very creative. I'm sure it took a lot of hard work. Can't wait to see your next project. Good job.
- PaPa on February 25, 2021