Delaney4884's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Delaney4884's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great Job. Your reflections in the lake or ice is very good and your art work appears to be excellent.
- Alan on February 14, 2023
Love the great Santa with the multi-colored cap. Nice Job.
- Alan on February 14, 2023
I like the marshmallows best when I have hot chocolate. Great job.
- Alan on February 14, 2023
Great Flamingo. Good Job.
- Alan on February 14, 2023
You always have those cute eye brows and a very happy face. It looks like it would make a great HOLLOWEEN MASK.
- Alan on February 14, 2023
I especially like the eye lashes on that lady cow. Good job Delaney.
- ALAN on February 14, 2023
This tree must have been in fall as it seems to be loosing it's leaves.
- Alan on January 13, 2021
The magnets shapes are a clever addition.
- Alan on January 13, 2021
Great pumpkin!!!
- Alan on January 13, 2021
I like the momma bear with her eye lashes holding the baby bear.
- Alan on January 13, 2021
First time seeing you great art work. Your talent impressed me. I liked all, but the "Boo" cat stood out to me. Looking forward to seeing your future works. Is your brother Logan also involved in this program? I know Trevor is.
- Alan on January 13, 2021