Mia21110's Comments (32)

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Below are comments about Mia21110's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love seeing your new artwork!
- Michelle (Mother) on March 4, 2022
Love them
- Vern on March 23, 2022
Mia, this is very talented art work. I love it! Pawpaw
- Vern on March 23, 2022
I love Astrocat. You did a beautiful job.
- Pawpaw(fan) on November 18, 2021
Love these colors!
- Michelle (Mother) on October 25, 2021
Good rendition of a beach ball on the sand.
- Pawpaw on November 10, 2021
Mia, this drawing looks like a collage of many things. The artwork is fabulous! You are really good at this. Very, very proud of you.
- Pawpaw on January 27, 2021
Is this a drawing of someone doing hop scotch in front of your house? The drawing is very good, Mia.
- Pawpaw on January 27, 2021
I see that you drew yourself as the Sunflower girl. This really great art work, Mia! I love it!
- Pawpaw on January 27, 2021
This looks like a Spring time drawing. Is that a cat or a dog walking through the flowers? This is great work, Mia!
- Pawpaw on January 27, 2021
That is a cute mask, Mia! Great work, Pawpaw is very proud of your work.
- Pawpaw on January 27, 2021
Beautiful! Love the colors
- Leah on December 4, 2020
Looks like you have one happy carrot and 3 more carrots who seem to be upset. Great job!!
- Pawpaw on December 4, 2020
Who are the 2 people you drew Mia? This is a very good drawing.
- Pawpaw on December 4, 2020
Great looking decorated pumpkin. Keep up the good work.
- Pawpaw on December 4, 2020
This is really great work Mia! I love it!
- Pawpaw on December 4, 2020
Sure looks like a duck trying to swim up stream. Well done Mia!
- Pawpaw on October 14, 2020
Looks like a bug eyed blob to me. Mia, please tell me how close I am to being right.
- Pawpaw on October 14, 2020
A very interesting drawing Mia. Sort of looks like part caterpillar and part fish.
- Pawpaw on October 14, 2020
One looks sad and the other looks happy! Nicely done Mia. Love ya kiddo.
- Pawpaw on October 14, 2020
Great work Mia!!
- Pawpaw on October 14, 2020
Looks like a lot of people together. Way to go Mia!
- Pawpaw on October 9, 2020
Outstanding work Mia!
- Pawpaw on October 9, 2020
Mia you are definitely very smart and you do work hard and you seem to be very happy. I know you will have a great day.
- Pawpaw on October 9, 2020
Outstanding work Mia! You will be a great artist someday.
- Pawpaw on October 9, 2020
What kind of monster is that Mia? It looks rather scary.
- Pawpaw on October 9, 2020
Looks like a storm has hit your house. Great work, Mia.
- Pawpaw on October 9, 2020
I hope the dentist trip went ok for you! The artwork is grest.
- Pawpaw on October 9, 2020
I love the fan!
- Pawpaw on October 9, 2020
Fabulous pencil drawing, Mia!
- Pawpaw on October 9, 2020
Hey Mia, Is this a drawing of you or someone else you know. I think it is fabulous. Lolve you, Pawpaw
- Pawpaw on October 9, 2020
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