Sam, Your colorful sombrero reminds me of a piñata filled with yummy candies ready to burst! Love, Aunt Bernice -- Aunt Bernice
- on March 31, 2011
Hi Sam!! This is a very cool picture! It looks like something you would see out west where the grand canyon is, and I love the way you did the sun!! See you next time..Laura -- Laura
- on March 18, 2011
Hi Sam, I opened my email and found your landscape drawing. I enjoyed your use of colors and lines that shows the radiating sun and depth of the mountains. Keep up the good work. Love, Aunt Bernice -- Aunt Bernice
- on March 3, 2011
Hi Sam... I really like the stitching artwork you did, especially the colors you chose because they remind me that spring is coming. Soon you will open the windows and they will dance above your heads in the breeze! See you next time. Laura -- Laura
- on February 20, 2011
Hey Sam! So, Paplo Picaso huh? His art was very unusual wasn't it? And yet he ended up being one of the most famous..maybe it's good to be different in art. Well, your self portrait is great! I always enjoy the colors you choose. Talk to you again soon.. Laura -- Laura
- on January 28, 2011
Oh Sam your African Mask is amazing! I've watched some shows that have these masks being worn & yours looks so real!! Isn't it great that God has made so many different kinds of people to know & learn about? Have a Merry Christmas (& hug your Dad for me) -- Laura
- on December 15, 2010
Hey! This picture is really interesting. It's sort of abstract art isn't it? Well, I've enjoyed it very much. Thank you for sharing with me. Laura. -- Laura
- on November 29, 2010
Wow Sam I love the colors in this artwork!! I'm sure it's beautiful like that where angels are. Thank you for sharing your art with me. -- Laura
- on November 22, 2010
Hey Sam! This is really it was fun getting a little messy. I like the colors you chose very much. The hand print shows up well. When you get bigger and compare your hand to this one you won't believe how much different they are!! Talk to you again real soon. Laura -- Laura
- on October 20, 2010
Oh Sam!!! This painting is just amazing!! I like how you showed the brightness of the moon and how that brightness gets different as it gets further and further away from the middle. Wonderful!! I'm so glad you shared it with me. Laura. -- Laura
- on October 1, 2010
Hi Sam! I was a friend of your Dad's in school. I really liked looking at all your artwork! I especially like your use of color and how cool it looks. You have good ideas for your art too. Have fun with art!! I'll be back... -- Laura
- on May 15, 2010
Hi Sam, Your Van Gogh like bedroom scene shows beginning perspective and I love the colors you chose. I hope you enjoy art. Love, Aunt Bernice