Jack33767's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Jack33767's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Jack, I really love this painting. The colors are beautiful! Love, Popop
- Peter on November 11, 2020
Jack, I REALLY love this painting! The colors are beautiful and your brush strokes show talent and artistry! Perhaps you will come visit me in my garret one day and we can paint together.... Love, Grandma
- Lauri on November 11, 2020
Jack, this is a fun picture! It reminds me of when we go walking and you jump in the muddy puddles. Nice yellow boots for just that purpose!
- Lauri on October 21, 2020
Rain, rain, go away! Auntie Julia loves it, Jack!
- JuliaW(fan) on October 21, 2020
What a great drawing! You’re doing so good Jack!!
- JuliaW(fan) on October 21, 2020
So colorful! I love it!
- JuliaW(fan) on October 21, 2020
Good job Jack!
- Wendy (Mother) on October 6, 2020
Hi Jack, I love your artwork! Love, Popop
- Peter on October 7, 2020
That's a great picture!! Looks a little like Maya with the hair hehehe
- Carenna on October 7, 2020
Colorful and cute! Good job!
- Lauri on October 7, 2020
Is that a picture of Mommy? Looks a lot like her!
- Lauri on October 7, 2020
Great artwork, Jack! Very realistic! (looks just like you!)
- Lauri on October 7, 2020