Selena165's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Selena165's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Selena, This almost makes me MISS SNOW!!! How wonderfully animated you made this snowman, I expect that it would look very worried if the weather edged towards 50! You amaze me with your wonderful imagination and ability. Keep up the good work! Love you Aunt Pauline
- on February 23, 2009
Selena, I love it, even before I read the description I knew what it was, I'll have to see if Mommy will up this for ME to put on my wall!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Aunt Pauline
- on February 23, 2009
Selena, What a wonderful job, how do you have so much talent? I just found a new thing for us to cook together the next time I visit. Love Grandma Sharon
- on February 19, 2009
I'm going to frame this one... It looks like you took your time and had fun designing it. Love it, just love it.... It's a Waterbury WOW for you! Love you know... Mommy
- on February 17, 2009
Selena Bobina.... It's one of the best snowmen that I have ever seen, He looks a bit like frosty. Nice Job babe! Love Mommy
- on February 17, 2009
I like the snowman "Booper" Keep up the good work From PAPA
- on February 17, 2009
Selena, You continue to amaze me with your talent! You are better each time. Love Grandma Sharon
- on February 17, 2009
This is a great expression of your work - keep up the great job with your Art.
- on February 17, 2009
You only get better and better, keep up the great effort. Love Grandma Sharon
- on February 4, 2009
Amazing... Another work of art. I love the use of colors, they are very pretty. Keep up the good work. Love Mommy!
- on November 13, 2008
Almost as good as an artist as your Papa
- on November 13, 2008
Selena, As always you do such a wonderful job, you are such an example of what one can do if they only apply themselves. I love you and keep up the great work. Grandma Sharon
- on November 13, 2008
Selena bonbena, This is another work of art! Nice Job! Love - Mommy
- on November 13, 2008
Selena, you are becoming a quality artist. Keep up the goodwork. You many talents come straight from your Papa.
- on November 13, 2008
Great looking bird. It is real cool. From Papa
- on November 13, 2008
Great job. Who is flying in the air with a short-arm?
- on November 13, 2008
Selena, I love your fish, Have you named the species yet? I can't wait to see more. Love, Aunt Pauline
- on March 11, 2008
Awsome! Way to go Selena. You are as creative on paper as you are in the kitchen when you cook. Love Grandma Sharon
- on March 11, 2008
Selena you are so very creative for being so young. I know your talent will only continue to improve as time passes. Love you, Grandma Sharon
- on March 11, 2008
Selena, I'm so proud of you! you have become such a great artist, just like your mom and brother! I love you! Mommy
- on December 7, 2007