Maya265's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Maya265's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Maya, The Fish is beautiful :) I really love the vibrant colors, and I really like the color complexity you used to show the fishy's fins and texture. This is really awesome artwork. Also, I like how you bring the fish to the front, making it the center and focal point, but at the same time you have busy background and it makes this piece very interesting to look at, and to discover. Its like you focus on the fish, but then you see all that is happening in the background and it draws you in, so you wander. This is nice :) I cannot wait to see more of your work !!!! Love, Arus
- on January 18, 2008
- on December 22, 2007
maya sarah like from your clas room yah I love it
- on December 22, 2007
I like your art.
- on December 22, 2007
Did i tell you that you were awesome?? Because you ARE! How cool- I love the roller coaster! And nice job with your primary colors! Cute elephant! Miss you and love you!
- on December 5, 2007
WOW maya. this is cool. im scared of spiders but i like yours. im looking forward to seeing more masterpieces, so keep creating!! love you pirate!! p.s. nice job on the 2 smiley faces from school. im proud of you!
- on December 5, 2007
this is a very nice tree-a real autmn tree with orange/red/yellowish colors.
- on November 29, 2007
oh my gosh maya! what an awesome job on your artwork! i love this the most because it reminds me of the fall season and i love halloween sooo much! i can't wait to see more of your atwork in the future, okay?! i love you sooooo much! xoxoxoxo my pirate!!
- on November 29, 2007