Jamie6328's Comments (108)

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Below are comments about Jamie6328's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is beautiful! Peace, love, longhorns!
- Joy (Mother) on August 23, 2024
This is just fabulous. I love, love, love it.--Mommy
- Joy (Mother) on April 14, 2024
I love this! What a great memory of the eclipse--Mommy
- Joy (Mother) on April 14, 2024
This is very creative. I love your imagination.-- Mommy
- Joy (Mother) on March 22, 2024
This is so beautiful. I love the colors and how carefully you wove the yarn. Great work, Jamie--love you, Mommy
- Joy on February 22, 2024
Wonderful work love you grandma
- Catherine on January 31, 2024
All your work is wonderful love you graandma
- Catherine on January 31, 2024
You are a great artist! Love you!!
- Catherine on January 17, 2024
This makes me smile! I love the colors and your attention to detail. Beautiful work, Jamie. Love, Mommy
- Joy on January 17, 2024
Wonderful work love you
- Catherine on September 27, 2023
Just great
- Catherine on September 27, 2023
Just great
- Catherine on September 27, 2023
Dear Jamie Your artwork is amazing and keeps getting better and better! Love you
- Mommy on September 17, 2023
Your work is wonderful
- Catherine on September 17, 2023
Jamie--this is amazing!!! I cannot wait to hang this up. Great work, sweetheart!--Love Mommy
- Joy (Mother) on September 7, 2023
This is fantastic! So, so beautiful. Love you and your amazing art work.-- Mommy
- Joy (Mother) on July 6, 2023
Wonderful work love u
- Catherine on May 24, 2023
You are a great artist love you
- Catherine on April 6, 2023
Your work is wonderful love you
- Catherine on March 22, 2023
I love this design! Beautiful colors too. Fabulous work, Jamie!! Love you
- Mommy on February 15, 2023
Just beautiful Love you.
- Catherine on February 15, 2023
What a beautiful Mondrian tree! Great work and color combinations. Love you!
- Joy (Mother) on January 27, 2023
You are the best love you
- Catherine on January 27, 2023
Your work is wonderful love you
- Catherine on December 1, 2022
Great work
- Catherine on November 18, 2022
This is very beautiful, Jamie. Great work!!
- Joy (Mother) on November 14, 2022
This is fantastic! I love, love, love it! Great work, Jamie!
- Joy (Mother) on October 2, 2022
You are a great artist. Love you
- Catherine on September 16, 2022
Wonderful love you
- Catherine on September 16, 2022
This is so beautiful, Jamie! You are starting second grade with absolutely gorgeous art work. Love you!!
- mommy on August 22, 2022
Just wonderful jamie
- Catherine on May 18, 2022
Wonderful work love you
- Catherine on May 18, 2022
This is such a beautiful village! I love the colors and the shapes and designs of all the houses. Great work, Jamie!
- Joy (Mother) on May 11, 2022
All your work is. Just wonderful
- Catherine on April 21, 2022
Just wonderful love you
- Catherine on April 14, 2022
All your work is wonderful love you
- Catherine on April 14, 2022
So great .lo ve you
- Catherine on April 14, 2022
You are the best love you
- Catherine on April 14, 2022
This is so cute. I always love your art work, Jamie!
- Joy (Mother) on April 1, 2022
Just wonderful love u
- Catherine on March 2, 2022
You r a great artist
- Catherine on March 2, 2022
I love these hearts! And I love you! Great work, Jamie!-- Mommy
- Joy (Mother) on February 8, 2022
Wonderful work love. You
- Catherine on February 8, 2022
Just precious love you
- Catherine on February 8, 2022
You are a great artist love uou
- Catherine on February 8, 2022
Soooo great love it
- Catherine on February 8, 2022
This is wonderful! I love your penguin. She's so pretty. Her bow especially is quite lovely. Great work!
- Joy (Mother) on January 12, 2022
This is so cute! I love your snowgirl, Jamie!
- Joy (Mother) on January 12, 2022
This is really cute, Jamie! Nice work! Love you, Mommy
- Joy on January 12, 2022
This is beautiful! I love how you designed the background. Great work, Jamie!
- Joy (Mother) on November 24, 2021
Just precious love you
- Catherine on November 24, 2021
So wonderful
- Catherine on November 3, 2021
Beautiful work love you
- Catherine on November 3, 2021
I love the colors you chose. Thank you for making more great Halloween decorations for our house! Love, Mommy
- Joy (Mother) on October 29, 2021
This is very cool. Great work, Jamie! Love, Mommy
- Joy (Mother) on October 29, 2021
Wow! This is FANTASTIC! I love this butterfly and the artist who made her!--Mommy
- Joy (Mother) on October 26, 2021
Wow just gr ea t love you
- Catherine on October 26, 2021
Just wonderful love you
- Catherine on October 20, 2021
WOW! I will cherish this always. Thank you for adding to our Halloween decorations. I cannot wait to display your beautiful art work in our house. Congratulation, Jamie! Love you.
- Mommy on October 20, 2021
So great love you
- Catherine on October 20, 2021
Wonderful love you
- Catherine on October 20, 2021
This is my favorite so far. I love the shadowing under the apples and the texture of the design.
- Joy (Mother) on October 6, 2021
This is gorgeous! GREAT work Jamie!
- Joy (Mother) on October 6, 2021
I really like your use of dots to create this! I am looking forward to you telling me more about this design. Love you!!
- mommy on October 6, 2021
Just great love you
- Catherine on October 6, 2021
Sooo beautiful love you
- Catherine on October 6, 2021
Wonderful work love you
- Catherine on October 1, 2021
This is very creative! Excellent work, Jamie! I love the colors and the design you chose.
- Joy (Mother) on September 26, 2021
Your work is. Getting better every day love you
- Catherine on October 1, 2021
Love all your work love
- Catherine on October 1, 2021
Your work is w Onderful
- Catherine on September 10, 2021
Wonderful ul
- Catherine on September 10, 2021
This is beautiful! i love the details within each swirl. Great work, Jamie! Love you, Mommy
- Joy (Mother) on August 31, 2021
Wonderful Jamie love you
- Catherine on May 19, 2021
So beautiful great work
- Catherine on May 19, 2021
This is really cool! I love the rectangles. I can see you concentrated very hard on this. I am proud of you. Mommy
- Joy on May 19, 2021
Jamie--this is so cute! Great work!! Love you, Mommy
- Joy on May 19, 2021
This is really cool. I love all the colors and patterns! I am proud of you and your beautiful artwork. Mommy
- Joy (Mother) on May 4, 2021
This is fabulous! Mommy loves this very much. Great work Jamie!!!
- Joy (Mother) on May 4, 2021
Your art work is wonderful love you
- Catherine on May 4, 2021
Just wonderful
- Catherine on April 2, 2021
So great Jamie-- love the drawing
- Catherine on April 2, 2021
You are such a great artist
- Catherine on February 6, 2021
Just you do great work!
- Catherine on February 6, 2021
Just great love the painting an love you.
- Catherine on January 20, 2021
Great swirl! Glad you are having fun in art class. Love you, Mommy
- Joy (Mother) on January 10, 2021
This is very cool. I love how you used all the colors and I love the patterns!--Mommy
- Joy (Mother) on January 10, 2021
I like the shapes! Great work Jamie! -- Mommy
- Joy (Mother) on January 10, 2021
Awesome colors! Mommy
- Joy (Mother) on January 10, 2021
Super cute! I love this bear in a sweater. Great job concentrating and making this so sweet. Love you, Mommy
- Joy (Mother) on January 10, 2021
This is very cool! Nice job Jamie. I love it!--Mommy
- Joy (Mother) on January 10, 2021
This is very special. Great work, Jamie! Love you, Mommy
- Joy (Mother) on January 10, 2021
You are a. Great artest
- Catherine on January 10, 2021
Just wonderful love you
- Catherine on January 10, 2021
Wow just wonder fulj
- Catherine on January 10, 2021
You are such a great artist
- Catherine on January 10, 2021
You are a great artist love you
- Catherine on January 10, 2021
Just wonderful love you !
- Catherine on January 10, 2021
This sweater bear is the cutest thing! I love it!! Great work Jamie!
- Joy (Mother) on December 10, 2020
Very cool! I love your abstract art!
- Mommy on October 30, 2020
That's ju st great
- Catherine on October 30, 2020
This is very col! I love the colors!
- Joy (Mother) on October 26, 2020
Great work love you
- Catherine on October 26, 2020
That's wonderful
- Catherine on October 26, 2020
I love this little pumpkin!
- Joy (Mother) on October 21, 2020
Just wonderful
- Catherine on October 21, 2020
J7just wonderful
- Catherine on October 21, 2020
Jamie--I love your swirl art! Beautiful job! You do great work! Love Mommy
- Joy (Mother) on October 14, 2020