Sloane937's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Sloane937's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Ohhhh so fun! Love the colors Sloanie!!
- Mom on May 19, 2021
Wow Sloane!! You are such an artist !!! Love this so much
- Mom on February 24, 2021
A to Z and happy smiley. Bright and colorful just like you, Sloane! I love your Jasper John's Alphabet.
- Lizzie on January 27, 2021
How cute ! Only a Sloanie cloud is happy and smiley :)
- Auntie on January 13, 2021
You are my sunshine!
- Mama on December 30, 2020
Sloane !!!! I LOVE this !!!!!!
- Auntie(fan) on December 30, 2020
What a bright and shiny Christmas tree. It's magical. Good job Sloane!!
- Liz on December 30, 2020
This is magical Sloanie!!
- Connie (Mother) on December 4, 2020
Sloane that is so cute ! I love being able to see all your artwork !!!!! What a great idea your teachers have !
- Auntie(fan) on December 30, 2020
Very cool abstract! Love the lines and layout ????
- Lizzie(fan) on December 30, 2020
This piece is well designed and creative. Great job Sloanie!
- Connie (Mother) on December 1, 2020