Ethan, This pic is AWSOME. We would really like a copy of this one. Grampa Gradin wants to hang it on his wall. Keep up all your good work. Love, Grampa Tom & Barb -- Tom
- on May 17, 2010
Ethan, This one is one of my favorites. I love the detail & use of simplicity in color. I may just have to order one of the "things" with this artwork on it. Love, Barb & Grampa Gradin -- Barbara
- on April 9, 2010
Beautiful Ethan! My favorite bird. Love, Mom
- on December 21, 2009
Ethan, Great job, keep up the good work. We love looking at your work. Love, Barb & Grampa Gradin
- on December 7, 2009
I thought is was a Van Gogh. Great job. Grandpa Gradin
- on May 27, 2009
I love this one Ethan. Beautiful!!
- on May 21, 2009
hey ethan,i think your artwork is great!!!my farorite art of yours is probably the sunset o c n u d r k o b d y
- on March 27, 2009
Ethan i think your artwork is so great...And the gorrila is so awsem i dont know what to dont know how great it is..keep on working hard.please jion my fan club..... your best friend, Shane
- on March 17, 2009
Ethan, I love your tree house. It is truly a great architectural design & good use of tree space. Keep up the good work. Love, Barb & Grampa Gradin
- on January 19, 2009
This is beautiful ethan, it will be the cover of our Christmas cards next year!! Love, Mom
- on December 17, 2008
Another masterpiece!! Love it. Mom
- on October 22, 2008
Beautiful Ethan! Very Creative. Mom
- on October 3, 2008
Beautiful Ethan. I love it & you. Mom
- on March 18, 2008
Great job Ethan. Love Mom
- on February 7, 2008
I love your super cool fish!
- on February 7, 2008
Good job Ethan. Grampa and grandma Hingtgen
- on January 7, 2008
- on December 19, 2007
WAY TO GO ETHAN!!!! I love it!!!
- on December 19, 2007
WAY TO GO Ethan. I love it!!!
- on December 14, 2007
WAY TO GO, Ethan. You are a super artist and a great student,too.