Caitlyn5277's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Caitlyn5277's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love this cat! Great JOB!
- Mary Ann on October 13, 2021
I love the detail on this; and the creativity.
- Dad on January 20, 2021
I marvel at your artistic ability. One of the few things Granda never saved are my "art work" which was pretty awful. i would draw heads that had arms and legs coming out of them, (no body); I distinctly remember my Dad asking why I never drew bodies...I think because at that age and size adults were all head to me and arms and legs but nothing more? Who knows? WHAT I DO KNOW is that you have a gift, I wish you would develop it more, you have a real talent. Love Dad
- Thomas (Father) on November 16, 2020
I love all the detail you put into this project. Very interesting.
- Mary Ann (Mother) on November 11, 2020