Brekken53's Comments (55)

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Below are comments about Brekken53's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Brekken! You are a talented artist already! Beautiful Advent wreath! ????????
- Mimi on January 31, 2024
Brekken, This is one of the most beautiful Christmas Trees I’ve seen! It’s very colorful, and the star looks like it’s very bright! Love ??
- Mimi on January 31, 2024
B, wow. This is so good!
- Danielle (teacher at Training Wheels Childcare Center, Inc) on January 31, 2024
Brekken, your saints are beautiful! You are amazing artist.
- Danielle (teacher at Training Wheels Childcare Center, Inc) on January 31, 2024
That little girl in your picture looks like you, Brekken! You look happy from a great summer, and a great start to the new school year as a first grader! Love you!
- Mimi on September 13, 2023
Brekken! What a beautiful 4 - leaf clover! All the patterns are so unique and give the picture a lot of personality. I’m very impressed by your artwork. Love you bunches!
- Mimi on September 13, 2023
Brekken, Beautiful baby Jesus! I love the smile on His happy face! His manger looks very comfy too! ??
- Mimi on March 8, 2023
Brekken! This is one of my favorite pieces of art yet! So pretty, and lots of shapes!
- Love, Mimi on November 28, 2022
Brekken! Great picture! I can see all the shapes and the colors are so pretty! I love you!
- Love, Mimi on November 28, 2022
Brekken! Such beauty in this picture! I see where you wrote MOM. Great job! I love you!
- Love, Mimi on November 28, 2022
Brekken! The letter 'Z' for zebra! I love the eyes! I love you!
- Love, Mimi on November 28, 2022
Brekken! Such a beautiful picture! I love all the colors and shapes in it!
- Love, Mimi on November 28, 2022
Brekken! Great picture! I can see all the shapes and the colors are so pretty! I love you!
- Love, Mimi on November 28, 2022
Brekken! When I realized that you weren't the only artist on this picture, I knew right away that yours was the pink quarter! Love it! Love you!
- Love, Mimi on November 28, 2022
Brekken! What a great piece of artwork! The colors are so pretty!
- Love, Mimi on November 28, 2022
Wow Brekken! This picture really is you! And I love the colorful polka dots! This picture makes me smile! Great job! I love you!
- Love, Mimi on November 28, 2022
Brekken, this is so great! I love how you decorated the crown.
- GranDani on February 23, 2022
All of these patterns are so interesting, Brekken! Looks like you had a lot of fun making this! Love you!
- Mimi on February 23, 2022
I love all the colors in this picture! It’s so happy! Love you!
- Mimi on February 23, 2022
Brekken, This is such a beautiful cross! I love all the colors! I love you!
- Mimi on February 23, 2022
Made by our Princess Brekken and definitely fit for a king! Love Grammy
- Bev on February 23, 2022
Such a beautiful King’s crown, Brekken! I love all the jewels on it!
- Mimi on February 23, 2022
Love, love, LOVE! Very colorful, matches our girl and her heart! Love you! Grammy
- Bev on February 23, 2022
Miss Brekken,,, the ‘other’ Grammy also loves your heart! It is almost as beautiful as the one in your body!
- Bev on February 23, 2022
Brekken-such a beautiful heart; just like yours! Love you, Grammy
- Grammy on February 9, 2022
This is the prettiest tree Ive seen!
- GranDani on January 26, 2022
Jesus love you too, Brekken!
- GranDani on January 26, 2022
These trees are so beautiful, Brekken! I love the colors and the different heights. The middle tree has such pretty decorations and the star is beautiful! One of my favorite pictures by you! Love you bunches!
- Mimi on January 26, 2022
Such a great colorful snake! I really like the tongue! You make me proud, Brekken! Love you bunches!
- Mimi on January 26, 2022
Your picture looks like apples! You are really turning into quite the artist!
- Mimi on January 26, 2022
All the colors you used are so beautiful! You are so good at staying in the lines! Beautiful! Mimi loves you!
- Mimi on January 26, 2022
Great pumpkins! You are getting so good at painting!
- Mimi on January 26, 2022
Brekken, your art is sure beautiful! I love how you used orange paint for the top of the letter and pink for the bottom of the letter! Two of my favorite colors together!
- Mimi on January 26, 2022
Brekken, this is beautiful, just like you! I ordered some more cards with this on it. So proud of your artwork.
- GranDani on June 16, 2021
Beautiful shamrock! Green is one of my favorite colors!
- Love, Mimi on May 5, 2021
This is extra special because you are in your artwork! I just love it! You are definitely taking care of our Earth.
- Love, Mimi on May 5, 2021
Brekken, nice job on your clover!
- Grandpa Mike on March 31, 2021
Brekken, I can tell you are cutting better with your scissors. What a beautiful shamrock! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on March 17, 2021
Wow Brekken!! Good job,,, love it!??
- Grammy on March 17, 2021
Very pretty, Brekken! ?? Mimi
- Mimi on March 17, 2021
This looks like you had a fun time making it! Great patterns and colors!
- Mimi on February 10, 2021
I really like your turkey picture, so many beautiful colors.
- Mimi on December 2, 2020
Very pretty bubbles, Brekken! I have never seen bubble painting before! Love you.
- Mimi on November 21, 2020
Brekken, GrandDani is thankful for YOU and your beautiful art this Thanksgiving. Keep up the good work! Love, GrandDani
- GrandDani on November 21, 2020
Perfect purple fish!!! It has beautiful sparkly scales!!
- Mimi on November 21, 2020
That’s a great looking turkey, Brekken! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Much love - Mimi
- Mimi on November 21, 2020
S is one of my favorite letters!! Good job! Love, Mimi ??
- Mimi on November 21, 2020
Brekken! It must be fun to do art on a paper plate. I’m going to be sure I have paper plates besides paper for you to draw on. I like the minion a lot. I’m proud of you with the work you’re doing at school. Love, Great Ga
- Great Ga on November 21, 2020
That alligator sure looks hungry! Lots of teeth!
- Mimi on October 28, 2020
Brekken!! I knew this was a Minion without even looking at the title! Love it! ????
- Mimi on October 28, 2020
Brekken! How fun to paint on a paper plate! My favorite colors are red, white and blue! Love, Great Ga
- Great Ga on October 28, 2020
This is beautiful! My favorite by far!
- Mimi on October 21, 2020
Mimi loves the fire truck you made! You are quite the artist!
- Mimi on October 21, 2020
Wow. Great eyes on this alligator!!
- Great Ga on October 21, 2020
What a great fire truck!!! I really how red it is! I also like how Brekken wrote her name! I would have guessed this was Brekken’s picture because it looks like something she would make. I am proud of my beautiful and talented great granddaughter!!
- Great Ga on October 21, 2020